Chapter 3

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It was now Lucas 2nd day on the job... and... things weren't going well exactly...

8:30AM ONLY 30 minutes left remaining before he will be late at his second day.

The alarm clock has been ringing trying to wake him up lately...

"Oi... Lucas wake up. or you'll be late in your first day..."

"Mhm.... 5 more minutes."

The figure sighed. "Alright you asked for this..."

She went on top of his bed, as Lucas was now slowly waking up. "uhhh... fine... im- WTFFFFFFF!!!"

"Gaoo....~" She cutely said that this was enough to make him have a nosebleed


The two are now walking down the street while a tissue was sticked up in his nostrils.

"You could have just splashed me with some hot or cold water. why go do that. You know my condition right?" Lucas sniffed and sighed while getting escorted by Swire...

"Yeah... i kinda forgot so my bad... but what can i do? It will leave a bad impression on your next day right?"

"Truly yes. I'm still adjusting from the different timezone here. so do please forgive me..."

While the two were talking, in a closed street, Lucas wasn't able to see another figure coming, and he bumped into that person...

"Kyaa!" A girl shriek was released after she fell from the ground... "Watch where you going!" The Lung glares at him, as Lucas was still recovering his vision...

"Ow... Oh. well if isn't bitch..." He called. Ch'en clenched her fist. then a vein appeared at her forehead. "What the hell did you say?!"

Lucas thinks for a moment then a spark came inside his stupid head for the next insult he was about to say...

"Well let me put you into a language you can understand..." he coughs ready to speak in Lungmen

"Xue hua piao piao bei feng xiao xiao..." He started singing using a deep voice.

"!!!" Ch'en couldn't hold her anger after she was mocked. Swire couldn't hold her laughter seeing the Lung's reaction...

"Mou Mantai..." She grabs her sword and smacked him using the base, sending his body hitting the mail box...


"Hmph!" She walks away not willingly caring about how he was...

"Wow. you really know to make someone mad..." The cute tiger approached and look down at him...

"Ahh..." He groans luckily he used arts to negate the damage that Ch'en did...

"Come on... 5 minutes remaining and you'll be late..." Swire said as she walk ahead...

"Ahh! wait up..." Once recovering his balance he chased Swire to the LGD office...

2 hours later...

"So that is your new guy..." One of the strongest operator at Rhodes Island said to Yuuji as he observed Lucas training with the oni.

Lucas dodged Hoshi's shield bash and balanced his stance.

"Interesting..." He crossed his arms.

The oni puts down her shield and explained how Lucas fight. "Lucas. your specialized in speed and power, i advised to use your muscles and take advantage of your own movements. that way your enemy will be surprised when fighting you..."

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