(Chapter 29)

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"We've got a possible hit location of where Solomon is at." At the command center the strategist zoomed on the map which the country specifies it was from Ursus.

"Recon team spotted at Chernobog many convoys entering the nomadic city, according to Ghost, one of our top long elite operators, there is no doubt that they loaded it with weapons."

Kal'tsit then took point and a slide was projected from the hologram.

"Not just ordinary one." Amiya continued. "From how they are manufactured, we believed they are guns that aren't manufactured from Laterano. Most likely Solomon have blueprints similar to which our Elite Operator Timewatch used."

The picture was zoomed, the contents shown were. Assault Rifles, Shotguns, Sniper rifles, and lastly were Heavy Machine guns.

Next was shown was a staff, a device for casters for them to use arts. What's more they are amplified.

"It's like they are preparing for war." Hellagur had a hand on his chin.

"War is a understatement, what we see here is massacre, not only Solomon will destroy Lungmen, but it's citizens as well." The lynx corrected.

"And after that who knows what his other plans regarding the other countries." Dr. Yumi folded her arms with a worried look.

"I believe my highness have some information about that." Alice the golden knight which Lucas rescued spoke up with a raised hand. Kal'tsit nods as the floor is hers, which the knight's blue eyes shifted purple.

"A vision was shown and that he is finding an artifact called the Philosopher's stone that is hidden in Lungmen." Makeda spoke.

"Intriguing." An elite operator named Logos was amused by the personal mind switch.

Kal'tsit raised an eyebrow, while the trio who knew the stone look at each other. "But i thought Solomon has the stone when he took it from Timewatch?" Lucas asked.

"It seems Leizi told them about that." Kal'tsit glanced at

"Indeed he has, but the stone was nothing but a momento, therefore in order for him to set things in motion. He stored the stone at a bunker filled with high dense Originium."

"Then it's confirmed Rhodes Island will send only 10% of the operators while the others are here on standby." Amiya declared as Leizi rose from her seat.

"Impossible, there is no way that much operators can stop to what they planned to do."

"Amiya is right, if operators were sent all out, we will be walking into a trap. Rhodes Island are not soldiers, or PMC'S, they are a pharmaceutical company looking for a cure." Ch'en sided with the leader of Rhodes Island.

"And pharmacist can't be spelled without the word Harm." Dr. Yumi joked as someone's spine is slowly glowing red ready to lash out.

"Chief Wei will have the LGD conduct a search operation at Lungmen's mobile engine to locate the explosives so they can disarm it." Amiya added then looks at Ch'en. "You must go with them Madam Ch'en."

"Forgive me Amiya, but i already resigned from that workplace." Confidently the lung said with a smug face.

"Eh? But why though?" Amiya tilts her confused at his actions.

Lucas sighed and told her. "Well the truth is Ch'en... Is infected as well."

Much to their surprise Ch'en reached her hand towards Amiya and spoke. "I'll join this operation, not as Madam Ch'en, but as Operator Ch'en."

"Yes..." Amiya smiled as they shook hands, now the deal was sealed.

"I trust it that you three will be included in this mission." Kal'tsit said as another operator spoke up.

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