(Chapter 23)

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"Yuuji, Hoshiguma, you two watch our flanks." The lung ordered as they have finished taking care of business regarding the small fries.

"Leave this to us. But if you two happen to ran across him. Make a call, we won't hesitate to help." The oni replied as the two partners smiled.

"Let's split up and find the operators as we can, it will be the best move so we can free them quickly." Leize suggested which made the rookie nod in return. "Got it!"

"I'll take the west wing, you two on the east. " Ch'en ran to the other side while keeping her hand on the hilt of her sword. While the other two also proceeded but with caution, checking any Reunion guards every angle.

At the lowest level. Which where FrostNova was at. She kept coughing out blood, this ain't the first time for her, since this also the symptoms of her Oripathy. "You okay there cautus?"

Solomon asked who was leaning behind a pillar observing the Yeti caster. "This none of your concern!" She spat and only averts her gaze away. "You're my enemy that's for sure, I'm sure you know that, so that's why treat me as one."

"Hmm... No." He just smiled and looks above the ceiling. He can hear footsteps, and some voices thanks to his advance magic. "So it seems my guests are here."

"By the way. Talulah will be here as well, I think it's almost time for a great Reunion, you know what I'm saying?"

"Ugh! a disgusting dad joke. Really?!" Yelena cringed as the King of Mages chuckled. "Looks like Patriot tricked me."

"Father?! Where is he?! What have you done to him!" She stood up and grabbed the king's collar. "Relax, even with my current power, I am still not on his level. Therefore he is safe."

FrostNova sighed, then started to cough again, as she let's go her hands and used it to cover her mouth. "Let me take a look at you." This time he was really concerned and the worry was show with his tone of voice.

"Don't touch me!" She slapped her arm away, and it echoes around the area. Which caused a minute of silence between the two. "Of course you wouldn't... after all." he mumbled then turned back. Inside his coat was a Talisman, which lit a light. "So she's here."

He turned around suppressing his emotions then spoke. "Fate will follow me through the end of my time."













"Ch'en! Is that really you?!" An Elite operator. Blaze called out delighted to see their saviour. "No need to yell that loud." The lung sighed as she cut the chains off easily. "Thanks, so that bird made it out alive i take it?"

The investigator nods as she and Blaze continued their search and came across Surtr and the others. Most of the captured operators are Sniper class. Which they have weak experience in CQC except for Schwarz and Firewatch since they are long time mercenaries.

"This is Leizi, only one i found here is Rosmontis, do you copy investigator?"

"Copy, i found the rest as well, only one left is FrostNova." The lung replied from Leizi sudden report.

"Hoshiguma, Yuuji, go and rendezvous here immediately time's on the loose." Lucas interrupted as the lupo replied. "Heard you loud and clear. Is something wrong?"

"FrostNova's life is in danger."




"Hold!" Lucas stopped and finally he sensed something wrong. There are only four person's killing intent i am feeling, where are their other members?! "Yeah, i get that as well." From Lucas expression, the kylin too noticed something is wrong. "No guards except the outside."

They stopped walking and saw a door in front of them, "This must be it." The LGD officer moved to the side and pulled out his handgun. "Can you blow that door away?" He asked as he saw how reinforced it was.

"Hmph. Easy." Leizi cockily smiled then raised her staff ready to cast her arts. "Get ready to breach." He balled his fist as a signal and her staff shot a wave of electricity.

"Breaching!" He slowly went inside and found Rosmontis shocked to see that the door is blown away. "Clear. i found Rosmontis here." He crouched down and freed her from the chains.

"Ms. Leizi... StormEye. Please save Big sister FrostNova..." She weakly plead as the feline explained Yelena's current situation regarding her health.

"WHAT?!" Both the two were shocked to hear and immediately contacted their team.

"This is Leizi, only one i found here is Rosmontis, do you copy investigator?"

"Copy, i found the rest as well, only one left is FrostNova." The lung replied from Leizi sudden report.

"Hoshiguma, Yuuji, go and rendezvous here immediately time's on the loose." Lucas interrupted as the lupo replied. "Heard you loud and clear. Is something wrong?"

"FrostNova's life is in danger."

Going back to the present time. Ch'en instructed Blaze and the others to meet up with Hoshiguma. Which they protested and wanted to come along as well for revenge against the King of Mages.

"No. You girls are too wounded to fight, leave this to us. You are our priorities here. We'll make sure to get her back in one piece." Ch'en said and patted Blaze shoulder.

"I'm coming along, Hoshiguma will handle their safety. After all a squad consists of 4 people." Yuuji said as he is already running down to the lower floor where their objective is.

"Got it. I'll meet you all down soon."

The lung ended the transmission and spotted an office. With huge curiosity, she went inside and there a flat laid blueprint was on the desk.

"This..." She was speechless, the design of the structure it's exactly the same drawings. The quality of each pathway and wirings match. "This is the design and structure of LGD, but why does he have this. What could he be planning?"

As evidence she rolled the blueprint, then stuffed it at her pocket. "I must give this to Chief Wei later."

Lucas was stiffened hearing the news. To think that the albino cautus is still fighting despite her situation. "This is for Timewatch." Clenching his fists, Leizi looks behind and saw Yuuji arriving, followed by Ch'en.

"Let's go." Ch'en stood still at the double doors then kicked it with brute strength, as the dark room slowly lights up blinding them.

"Welcome, my lovely guest." King Solomon greeted with his arms open wide. Either being polite or sarcastic.

"FrostNova!" Ch'en yelled as she saw the cautus who was very weak, and was clutching her lower abdomen.

"What did you do to her?!" The lung investigator yelled asserting dominance of the conversation.

"Calm down, i assure you she is safe-"

"Shut it! You'll pay for what you did!"

Lucas took aim and shot him, as the king easily flick them with just his finger.

"He's gotten stronger than before. I could tell!" Yuuji narrowed his eyes. This will never be an easy fight for them.

"You don't even know what she's dealing with. You fiend." Leizi raised her staff, as bolts of electricity started to surround him. But he remained calm as the king threw out throwing knives blocking the shock.

"They are what you call. Conductors." He cheekily replied. As Leizi could do nothing but stare at him.

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