(Chapter 25)

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Pinpoint: Checkpoint Sector D

Currently Lucas was sharpening the nodachi at their camp as a way for him to stay awake from his shift.


It was his buddy Yuuji, though calling him buddy left a bad taste at Lucas's mouth after hiding his true identity.

"And i guessed that you would use this opportunity to slip away and vanish like a goddamn ghost." Lucas chuckled and looks at the mug he's holding staring at the blended coffee.

"I get it that you're mad at me for hiding it. But i must follow what the creed is. Never compromise the brotherhood."

"That's very ironic, since your cover has been already blown."

The undercovered assassin knelt down and slip something in his hand.

"We'll meet again my friend. For now me and my mentor must plan our actions on taking down Solomon."

Soon as the Assassin left. Lucas then grasp the item that he was given. A small key, but where though? What does it open?

Treasury, an ancient weapon, or knowledge. Yuuji didn't even left a word about it. But he shrugged it off from his mind, as he stored the key on his pocket safely.

"Guess i should check on Ch'en." He asked permission to the superior and once granted. He immediately went inside the small apartment and knocked on Ch'en's assigned room.

"Hey Ch'en still awake?"

"Lucas? She stood up and opened the door for him. "Yeah, I'm just finishing making preparations for our next joint assault. Aren't you supposed to be on your post?"

"A ciggy break." He symbolised as the lung chuckled. "You don't smoke."

"And i fooled him." He let out a grin as Ch'en let him inside and locked the door.

"I'm guessing you have something in your mind." Ch'en said passing a canned beer to him.

"Ugh, i rather not especially you Madam Ch'en." He gave honourifics as a weak insult.

"Don't remind me." Ch'en narrowed her eyebrows as Lucas sighed then brought the topic to what is was before going on a sidestory.

"Yeah i do." He turned to the window as there a lot of things going on with surprise. "Me finding out i was part of a horrifying experiment, Reunion and Solomon's joint attack, Yuuji's true identity and was a member of secret warriors which are the assassins, and most of all FrostNova's pregnancy."

"You seem to worry about her more than anything else." Ch'en noticed as his gaze returned to her.

"Her upcoming child will grow up not knowing his dad, of course I'll feel bad. Because i also felt the same. I've never known my father that much, i may hate him, but if it wasn't for him i may not be able to be born in this world and met good friends."

"I can't my believe that my subordinate is much maturer than i thought."

"Thanks for the sarcasm." As Lucas replied, the lung rolls her eyes still smiled.

"I meant that you dolt." She flicked his forehead using her fingers as the boy groaned.

"You're a good friend as well Ch'en."

There was a bit pause on their conversation as something hit a nail on the wall.

"Friend huh? Is that how we are right now?" Ch'en asked as the boy raised an eyebrow. "I mean we could be best-friends." He suggested.

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