(Chapter 22)

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In exact 0800, the two partners arrived earlier than expected.

And Lungmen is still on crisis despite that time. All the officers at the LGD are too tired, bags on their eyes. They are still monitoring every sectors on the city.

"Madam Ch'en!" One of the captain saluted. "At ease. Any reports?" The lung asked.

"No, but we've still got no word from the elite team of Rhodes Island." This gave the lung an anxious feeling.

"This is from LG number 86 from Sector 8." One of the commanding unit at their defense line reported at HQ. "Copy. You may speak." "A wounded elite operator just came back, i will direct her comms and patch it through you captain."

"Sounds like something important huh?" Lucas crossed his arms as the captain finished speaking through the operator.

And after speaking to the captain, it also patched through Ch'en because of the operator's request.

"Madam Ch'en."

"Greythroat? What happened?" The lung recognised that voice and it was the liberi sniper.

"FrostNova and the others are captured."

To them hearing the elite forces in that kind of situation shocked their core. "What but how? Your team is full of the elites."

"It's much worse that i thought, before we knew it, Solomon easily took us down along with their ambush."

"I was the only one who managed to escape."

Lucas and Ch'en noticed her patched up wounds after winding up in the sector which she is in now.

"You've got to save them Madam Ch'en, without the elite operators, Lungmen will be done for sure, i will be contacting Rhodes after this."

"Like we have any other choice. This is a joint operation, and I'm pretty sure Amiya won't be happy if we didn't make a move. She doesn't want to lose one of her friends. Moreover that white donkey."

"White donkey, humourous yes." The liberi let out small chuckle. "Thank you, I'll be leaving this to you all."

"Captain." The lung turns toward the captain and ordered. "Contact Hoshiguma and Swire for me, as well as our guest residing in one of the dorms. "Miss Leize, was it? Consider it done." With that the officer left to make a call to the two and fetch the caster operator the news.

"Let's discuss this with the chief, it's best we hear his judgement first and plan our move before setting out a rescue."

"Agreed, we can't risk the chances of getting taken alive as well." Lucas nodded as the two took the elevator.


The phantom sniper looks at the chains that they used to lock GreyThroat.

"So she escaped." A sigh escaped from his mouth.

"What shall we do? Should we chase her Faust?" One of the crossbowmen asked.

"No need, his majesty told us to stay here. We are one more step away before it all begin."

Now this made his men a bit suspicious to their leader, because he didn't trust too much either the Eno, and Talulah.

"You two have doubt's about Solomon's plans?"

"No of course we don't Faust, it's just my gut feeling tells that we could already just kille her, since you're the ones who chained her, did you do it on purpose?"

The phantom sniper sighed. "I did, and what if i say yes, what are you going to do? Are you going to turn your weapons at me?"

"Of course you wanted to dispatch her, because you knew that she's the one that killed your family."

Arknights: My Special Investigator Partner Can't Be This Cute [OC X Ch'en] Where stories live. Discover now