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As was somewhat anticipated, Kitri fell ill just a few hours after their conversation, Loki placing her on top of his bed as her temperature skyrocketed internally. But not in the usual way of fires that she had strong control over. To be honest, neither of them were sure how their immortality and powers would affect this pregnancy. Such a thing of was completely unheard of.

It was during the darkest hours of the first night that Kitri lost consciousness and Loki worriedly ran out to the closest servant he could find and asked them to immediately call for the most skilled healer into his chambers.

That healer did show as soon as she could, rushing over after she heard which notorious god had returned and made this request, figuring he returned with injuries. She was an older woman with a gentle touch and a big heart, only matched by her skill in healing magic. She was maybe a few years older than his mother and would often patch him and Thor up from various trouble they would get into as children.

Loki let her through his door, but then silently strode back over to sit on his bed by Kitri, gently taking her limp hand back into his.

The woman hesitated, surprised that it was a woman he had requested her help with and seemed to be so distraught over. "She is pregnant with my child." Loki let out. Half to inform the healer, and seemingly half for himself, still in bewilderment at this.

His words made the woman focus, briskly walking forward and trying to lay a hand on Kitri's forehead, suddenly stopping an inch away from her skin as she felt how intense the heat was even at that distance. She turned to look back at Loki with concern, confirming that he was still lovingly grasping her hand in his, but unsure how he was able to do that without being even seemingly uncomfortable. From what she felt even from that distance, her skin must have been hot as coals to the touch.

"I will do what I can, but if her condition does not improve by morning, we should take her to the infirmary." She uttered with concern.

Loki did not seem to react to her words, just taking a moment to place the back of his hand against her burning forehead with a worried sigh as the woman began trying to stableize her with magic.

Kitri's temperature was more controlled after they had moved her the following morning, and she even woke for a few short hours a couple days later before passing out again, seemingly dazed and confused at first from her new surroundings.

"I had never expected-" She began, already running out of energy from the words as she let out a frustrated sigh.

"Save your breath, love." Loki thought as he sat by her side. Her hand in his as his other carefully moved her hair out of her face and then was gently petting her head. He had not left her side even for a moment since he had taken her there.

She obeyed, letting out a deep sigh and closing her eyes as her body relaxed at his touch.

"This child better be extremely special for you to have to go through this." Loki thought with some playfulness.

Kitri showed a hint of a smile. "Unsure how they will compare to the other creatures you had a part in creating, but I am certain they will be..."

"They?!' Loki asked aloud in shock.

Kitri showed him a tired smile as she winked at him. "I believe I am carrying twins."

Loki's eyes lit up, moving his hand down to cup her face. "Boys?"

"Both boys, yes." Kitri thought with a soft smile. If they were being honest, neither of them had a preference, but somehow Loki could feel that it would be more fitting for them to have boys.

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