Twilight of the Gods

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Odin and the other Asgardians were in council, unsure of what to do. Others were running around preparing for the incoming battle. Thor had been on Asgard, but as he heard of the serpent showing itself in Midgard he paled, facing his father with a worried expression as he ran into him in one of the halls. Odin had been storming down it with Mimir's head grasped firmly in hand, on his way to find a quiet room to further consult with his bodyless advisor.

Odin stopped and faced Thor, his face remaining grim as he placed a hand firmly on Thor's shoulder. "Let us prove the prophecy false, shall we? Go save your beloved Midgard, son."

"What about you?!" Thor asked with concern as he placed one of his hands on Odin's shoulder in return, his arm over his fathers. He was still completely confident that he could easily kill the sea serpent, especially after their last encounter in Jötunheimr. "Once I have slain this cursed snake, I will be back to help Asgard." Thor promised.

Odin showed a hint of a smile as he patted his shoulder and moved away to continue his pace down the hall. "Your arrogance will be your undoing, my son. Be careful."

"Take care as well, father." Thor called out after him, before turning away and running outside of Odin's halls and using his hammer to fly to the Bifrost.

He asked Heimdall to put him on the roof of Stark's tower.

Once there he was faced with the full force of the issue at hand. Even the top balcony of the tower where he had landed was barely above water, the whole city submerged underneath the dark mucky waves of the risen ocean.

His thunderous and sudden arrival got the attention of Iron man who had been flying around the area, landing next to the concerned blonde god. "Finally! We were wondering when you'd show." Tony called out as the jets of his suit subsided from his landing. He didn't sound angry but his tone was definitely grim, and he was eager to see if the Asgardians knew what the hell was causing this. "I can't stay long, we need to move to save more people asap. Ah-" He hesitated for a second realizing Thor probably didn't understand the acronym. "As quickly as possible." He explained.

"You will have to do this on your own, my friend. I must slay the cause of this attack on Midgard." Thor responded confidently.

"What's causing this, Thor? Is it that Thanos Loki spoke about?" Tony finally asked, but Thor shook his head.

"This is a far worse threat. Have you not heard of the legends of Ragnarok?" Thor yelled over the sound of crashing waves hitting the tower. They seemed to grow more violent the longer they stood there, the sky above them growing darker as storms seemed to approach.

Tony told Thor he had not, but Thor just shook his head waving him away. "No time to explain now, but you must go help the others, I will handle this creature on my own. I can do this, trust me. We then need to go save Asgard!"

Rain started pouring down over them as the waves shifted even more. Tony hesitantly agreed with a request to Thor to promise he will explain what is happening after this battle, but knowing the longer he remained there more and more people unable to move inland quickly enough would die.

It was then that out of the waves part of the serpent's long slick form was shown raising and then falling as he submerged himself beneath the waves again. The raised spiked scales were like a long fin along his back, and it sliced through the waves as he swam toward Thor at an alarming speed.

"What the HELL is that?!" Tony called out but Thor just yelled for him to get out of there.

"It is my destiny, just go!" Thor boomed, and even though Tony really wanted to stay and help, he figured he'd need to bring some of the others with him back as well, swiftly flying back inland as Thor had asked of him.

As Jörmungandr closed the distance and more of his impressive girth could be seen, Thor hesitated, perhaps more concerned now about fighting the monster that had grown to this insane size. His body was wide enough to match skyscrapers, many of which he was probably crushing through underwater as he eagerly closed in.

Jörmungandr's gargatuan head finally broke the surface as he towered over Stark's submerged home high above Thor.

Thors grip on his hammer tightened, as he saw the scarring over the wound that had healed in the serpent's head from their last encounter, but he had grown so far above his expected size back in Jötunheimr.

World serpent was definitely a fitting name for this child of Loki.

They began fighting, the fight already proving to be far more difficult now that he didn't have an advantage of having caught the snake on that massive hook. A ship could be seen shifting into this realm in the distance during this conflict.

It closed in as Thor hit this serpent over and over with his hammer while he tried to avoid the massive jaws of the creature trying to swallow him whole. His heart fell as he saw who was the captain of this intimidating ship.

He flew over Jörmungandr, who quickly moved his large body to follow where Thor was trying to escape to.

"Stop this madness, brother!!" He called out to Loki in a thunderous boom as he hovered over the ship, realizing landing on it would be suicide as some of the Jötun already started trying to fire arrows at him as he got close.

"It is far too late, brother!" Loki spat the last word with hostility, any remaining respect for the man now gone from the pain of knowing Thor allowed their father to do this to him, along with his own involvement with hurting his kin. His kids. His people.

Loki scowled at him before he yelled out again. "You gods have treated me like a stone relic! Keeping me repeatedly locked up and lied to until you have a use for me!" He accused. "Now I will unleash the wrath that you lying gods deserve! All my children, remaining children are just fulfilling what is just. What is right, Thor, for the sake of ones who were not able!"

"I have never had any quarrel with you, Loki! None of us have." Thor shouted as he dogged both the serpent and the arrows.

Loki scoffed. "Well an ant has no quarrel with a boot." He responded coldly as Jörmungandr managed to sink one long fang into Thor's arm that was holding his hammer.

Thor yelled as lightning erupting all around him, flying farther away from the ship to focus on fighting the beast. The ship began quickly gaining distance from their fight as well.

It was so unfortunate, because even as a kid Thor absolutely loved snakes. Loki would even knowingly disguise himself as one to play pranks on Thor because he knew that with how fascinated he was by them, he would have the impulse to pick one up and admire it if he came across it.

Now that seemed like a distant memory as this Jörmungandr had his jaws completely around Thor as he held his mouth open, finally finding the opportunity to break the serpent's head by using his hammer to smash it from the inside of his mouth.

Jörmungandr's jaws went limp and Thor flew out of them as his now lifeless body sank underwater.

As the venom coursed through his blood, he made it only nine steps once he landed on solid ground before he fell to his hands and knees and then died as soon as it had reached his heart.

The dreadful ship led by Loki began to shift into Asgard, and the famed giant slayer was no more.



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