Chapter 4

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Mcnasty sighed after the last kid was screaming racial slurs and soup had to kick him. "That was awkward" blarg mumbled. "I hate when kids do that" the doo sighed. "I bet he was white" Grizzy fumed as soup sighed. "Yeah but he's gone now guys so let's just enjoy this" soup said trying to cheer everyone up. Mcnasty looked at the time seeing it was 6 for him as another person joined the game. "Rookid?" Soup questioned. "Oh god please don't let it be another racist child" the doo said as Mcnasty cleared his throat. "Hello" the voice said. "Oh. It's a girl" soup giggled. "Oh no" Grizzy laughed forgetting the child before already. Mcnasty turned his mic on starting to sniff it along with soup. "I am so sorry for them" the doo said turning on his mic. "They mean well- well no they don't. They're actual morons" blarg tried to be nice to them but changed his mind.

"Why are they sniffing" the girl giggled. "Because you're a girl" Grizzy laughed. "Oh they're that type of guy" she said as she sucked in air through her teeth. "I think I should leave before you guys start asking for toe pics" she said. "WAIT" Mcnasty said. "Don't leave me" soup said pretending to whine. "Stop sniffing your mics than" Roo laughed as Grizzy joined her. "Okay, uhm Rookid. How old are you" soup asked. "I am 22 now" she said. "What's your actual name" Mcnasty said. "Uhm my actual name is....are you guys recording?" She asked. "Yes, we are also live streaming" blarg said. "Than I cannot tell you my name. Sorry" she smiled. "Oh she's teasing us" soup gasped as she laughed. "Yo I think I like her though" Grizzy laughed.

"Okay well Roo just to let you know throughout the match we might make some jokes they might be offensive-" Mcnasty started as soup started laughing. "No no they will be offensive. Are you okay with that" soup said. "Yeah sure. If it makes it any more better for your guys content and mine, I am half black" she said as Grizzy gasped. "I'm not alone anymore" he laughed as doo and blarg joined him.

They got into a match as the chaos began. "So uhm....Rookid what would you do if I was a dirty sock on the ground" soup asked as blarg sighed, as doo began to laugh. "A dirty sock?" Mcnasty questioned. "Uhm, I think I would probably step on you, and continue walking to wherever I was going" roo said as Mcnasty laughed causing Grizzy to start laughing. "You wouldn't pick me up and throw me in the laundry?" He questioned. "" Roo laughed as they all started laughing. "I thought women were suppose to do laundry, and dishes, and cook" blarg asked. "Yeah that's what my mom does" soup said. "I hope she's kidding if not. I do not want to see her house" doo laughed as Roo started laughing. "Guys, it's all jokes, I would put you in the dirty clothes basket until I had enough dirty clothes to start laundry" Roo said as soup sighed. "Okay I got worried women had rights now or something" he said causing Roo to burst out laughing.

Haley, or as the boys in rainbow six siege know her as is Rookid. Couldn't contain her laughter after what soup said. She held her chest laughing so hard.  "Oh my god. That actually killed me. It actually hurts to breath" she said into the mic as she hit her desk so hard she checked her camera to make sure it was still off. She sighed as soup rubbed his eye looking at his stream. "Hey Roo, why is it so hard to breath when there's so much air in the world" blarg asked. "Wait you don't have asthma do you" Grizzy asked as roo shook her head. "No, no I don't" she said as she sighed deeply trying to calm down. "That was so fucked" Mcnasty sighed. "Shut up Mcnasty. I'm surprised you have said anything yet" soup sniffed as he chuckled. "Well, I do t really know what to say right now" Mcnasty cleared his throat.

"Hey roo" Mcnasty said as she hummed. "Yes Mcnasty" haley said as he chuckled. "If we win this next match, you gotta send us toe pics" he said as haley bursted out laughing. "Okay" she chuckled as they all gasped. "I don't actually like feet" blarg shot up. "Me either" Grizzy said. "I gotta a girlfriend too" he added. "I don't like girls" doo said as haley started laughing. "Wait is she gonna actually do it" Mcnasty asked turning his mic off only so the boys would hear him. "I don't know" soup said laughing. "I'm a little worried" he added sighing. "I wanna see if she will actually do it so we gotta win" Mcnasty said as he turned his mic back on along with the boys. "You guys done talking about me in your discord call?" Haley asked as they all kinda stopped. "How does she know" blarg whispered. "Mcnasty...Mcnasty officials, the doo, sniping soup, Grizzy, and blarg. Aren't you guys streamers?" She asked as they all sighed. "Oh no it's a fan" blarg mumbled. "No, I've never actually heard of you guys. I watch The Boys, on YouTube, if not them than I watch Minecraft streamers. That's it I have never heard of you guys until you guys went into your discord call and looked up Mcnasty on twitch in a different tab and heard him say 'wait is she gonna actually do it' and 'guys we gotta win' so I was just asking to make sure" haley said as they all nodded at their screens.

"Now she knows our secrets" doo said as everyone started chuckling. "So roo, you're a a streamer" soup asked. "I am" she said. "Are you subed to her soup, top tier" blarg asking laughing. "I am now" he mumbled. "Well he's subscribed not top tier- oh thank you sniping soup" haley said looking at her screen.

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