Chapter 5

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During the match Mcnasty tried his hardest to win the match but they ended up losing. He groaned into his mic as haley started laughing. "Awe. No toe pics for you" haley laughed as Mcnasty groaned even louder. "DAMNIT" soup said hitting his desk as everyone ended up laughing. "Well boys it was fun playing with you" haley said as they all sighed. She exited the lobby looking for a different one. "Can we invite her back" blarg asked. "Yeah she was hilarious" Grizzy said as soup hummed. "Yeah YEAH INVITE THAT SLUT BACK" doo said sighing. "Oh no. Baby boy is jealous" soup said as Mcnasty started laughing. "Okay" soup said inviting her back. "Awe you guys missed me" haley said joining the lobby as it was silent. "Uhm. That's not like you guys" she said as once again no said anything. "Uhm...mcnasty. You still want those toe pics?" She asked trying to get some sort of reaction out of them.

"DOO WHAT THE FUCK" Mcnasty yelled causing them to laugh. "I'm sorry I can't do it. I literally think I shitted myself trying so hard" he said laughing. " the doo was suppose to fart after you said something" blarg said laughing. "Damnit I got shy" doo said as haley hummed. "That's fucking weird. Even for you guys. Anyways" she said as they started the match. "So uhm Rookid" soup said. "Yes soup" haley said smiling. "How much for a bite of ravioli that you've already took a bite of" he sniffed as haley bursted out laughing. "Bro. Don't mess with a girls food. But I'm selling gamers girl bath water" she said as they all gasped. "Oh my god. HOW MUCH FOR A GALLON" soup asked. "100k" roo said some number off the top of her head. "How much for a shot glass" Mcnasty asked as everyone bursted into the laughter.

"A shot glass?" Doo asked to make sure he heard right. "How much for a picture of the shot glass?...20 bucks alright" soup said as everyone started laughing as the match began.


"Haley" Caitlyn's sister said coming into her room. "Huh" haley said looking over taking one of her headphones off of her ear. "What was that roo" Mcnasty said over his mic as haley muted hers. "Haley, it's almost 3 in the morning. You should take a break from your schooling and go to sleep" Caitlyn said coming into her room. "Yeah I am. I got this last test to do and I'll be going to sleep. Don't worry" haley smiled as Caitlyn nodded. "Okay" shoe whispered going back down the stairs as haley sighed. She unmuted her mic as she sighed.

"So roo, what are you doing after the recording" the doo asked as soup started laughing. "Huh?" Haley asked confused. "Doo is trying to flirt with you" blarg asked. "Little virgin boy wants alittle Rookid" Mcnasty laughed. "Oh uh, I'm gonna go to sleep" haley said clearing her throat as the match began. "After this match right" Mcnasty asked sounding alittle upset. "Awe is Mcnasty sad" Grizzy asked. "What? Uh no. Women. Gross" Mcnasty said as haley chuckled. "Yeah Mcnasty I'll wait till this match is done than I gotta go. I got work in the morning" haley smiled as Mcnasty gasped.

"Hell yeah" he said whispering causing everyone to burst out laughing. "I think Mcnasty is dumping over Rookid" blarg laughed. "Bro shut up" Mcnasty sang. "No yeah he definitely is" soup laughed causing Grizzy to laugh. "Mcnasty- wait Rookid" doo said. "Mhm" she said as they began the match running around the map. "Uhm Rookid. Are you an E-girl" doo asked laughing. "Am i a what?" Roo asked confused. "Are you an E-girl" Grizzy asked as doo sighed. "Like do you dress in like all black. Lip sync to some of the most dumbest songs ever, like wear too much makeup." Doo asked as haley raised a brow.

"Uhm, I mean I dress in black sometimes. I don't wear a lot of makeup and everyone sings along with any song they like" haley answered confused as they all hummed. "So she's only like...half" the doo said. "I'm sure that's enough for Mcnasty though" blarg laughed. "It's more than just style blarg" Mcnasty mumbled. "Awe so Mcnasty really is liking this Rookid" soup said as Mcnasty sighed. "Hey roo. What do you do for a living" the doo asked as haley sighed. "I am a correctional officer by day, and I am a streamer late at night" roo said as they hummed. "Sounds like you really don't like being a officer" blarg said. "It's annoying. Getting inmates spitting, pissing, and cumming on me during the day, some of them trying to fight me because I'm smaller than them. I mean it's annoying" haley shrugged.

"What's the wildest story from work" soup asked. "Well I live in Florida, and before you ask no Florida isn't as wild as the Florida man stories make it seem, anyways. It was my first day and Florida got hit with the craziest weather I think we ever had, like it was raining so bad and we had a tornado warning, and it was like a tropical depression so the rain was like a hell of a lot more harder and crazier than usual. So we got put on lockdown. I was doing a count on the prisoner with my other officer and I had to go into a bunk alone. Now my partner was a 5'5 women she was probably like 200 pounds, I am 5'5 but I'm about 170 pounds, now she had me go in alone to the bunk to check for weapons, we had the inmates out of the cell, up against the wall while we checked but, the cell next to us started to get rough with each other, like trying to have a fight with each other. Well she walked off to ya know tell em to knock it off, and one inmate rushed to her and tackled her to the floor, the other inmate rushed into the cell with me, and tried to knock me out and in the process take my pants off and tried to rape me. Luckily for us, the other officer was able to knock him off and call for back up, she came into the cell and pepper sprayed the inmate and I punched him in the jaw, he slammed into the bunk hitting his head and passed out" roo said as they all went quite.

"Damn" doo said breaking the silence. "Roo are you fucking ripped" soup asked. "No, not at all, but when your adrenaline kicks in you can fucking do anything he was about 5'7 and weight about 190 pounds. He was also a fucking wussy." Roo explained. "So what happened to those two inmates" blarg asked. "They got put in a hole, where they weren't allowed to have any contact with anyone and they got transported to a different facility." Roo smiled as the round ended. "Well boys. It was fun. Hope I get to randomly join a game with you guys again" haley smiled as her phone dinged.

"It was fun Rookid" the doo said. "You're fucking hilarious. I hope we can play together again soon too" blarg smiled. "I'm surprised Mcnasty isn't trying to get you to stay or ask for your discord" soup laughed. "Shut up" Mcnasty said. "We will see you later Roo" Mcnasty said. "Well bye Rookid" soup sight as haley left the game, clicked out of the sight and ended her stream.

She sighed as she leaned back in her seat grabbing her phone as she saw 'McnastyOfficials' followed her on Instagram. She smiled as she followed him back.

Mcnasty: please tell me this is the Rookid I played rainbow six siege with

Rookid: yes it is. Hello Mcnasty

Mcnasty: awesome. This woulda been awkward if it wasn't you.

Rookid: yeah I'm sure it kinda woulda been

Mcnasty: yeah Uhm, so if you're free tomorrow. I'd like to get your discord and hopefully play some more with you and the boys

Rookid: well I work tomorrow I believe, so it would have to be somewhere around 6pm for me in Florida

Mcnasty: awesome well give me your discord and I'll add you back and whenever you're ready, text me on discord and I'll send you the code

Rookid: ok

Haley saw Mcnasty sent her a link as she clicked on it, sending her to his discord as she added him. She sighed standing up popping her back and going to her bed, she put her phone on the charger as she laid down on the bed she put on some random YouTube video on her tv seeing a video from jacksepticeye popped up as she clicked on it and watched the video as she went to sleep.

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