Chapter 1: Encounter (Rewritten)

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'W...e ..p...'

'Wa... u...'


"GAH!" (Y/n) shot awake and looked around his surroundings. However, instead of the bloody sea of Area B7R, he found himself in a room - more specifically, a Japanese style room.

The room itself was big enough to accomodate several persons, and a painting of a sakura tree can be found on the wall, along with the illustrations of samurais and ninjas.

"Ah, you're finally awake." A Japanese woman - presumably in her 20's - came to him, holding a bowl of hot miso soup. She had a light brown hair, blue eyes, and a slim figure, wearing a traditional Japanese kimono. She sat beside (Y/n) and handed him the bowl. "Here. You must be hungry."

And, as if on cue, his stomach grumbled, causing the woman to chuckle. (Y/n) took the bowl and chugged down the contents, surprising the woman.

He sighed, placing the bowl gently. "Thank you..."

"You're welcome." The woman replied. "Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ayane Ogawa. How about you?."

"...(Y/n)." He hesitantly replied. He was still wary of her and his surroundings, but played it cool for now.

"Tell me, what happened to you?" She asked. "I found you with four other girls in the brink of death near the riverbank."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Where are they?"

"They're-" Ayane was interrupted by the sound of a plate shattering.

The two looked over the opened doors and saw Wisconsin standing, tears swelling from the corner of her eyes.

"(Y/N)!!!" Wisconsin ran to him, tears now streaming down her cheeks, tackling the male battleship to the ground. "You asshole! You hade us worried, you know...?"

(Y/n) patted her head. "I know. Sorry."

"Wisconsin, what's all with the ruckus-" Missouri came in, only to find Wisconsin snuggling her face against his cheek. "Sis! New Jersey! He's awake!"

Sure enough, the remaining two of the Iowa-class went over. New Jersey immediately pounced on him, snuggling her head in his chest, hungrily sniffing his scent for some reason.

"Good. You're awake." Iowa said in a rather cold tone, which made him wonder on what did he do to make her act like that.

Iowa approached the male and gave him a kiss on the lips, pulling away shortly after with a trail of saliva between them. "Sweet~"

"Hey, no fair!" New Jersey, Missouri, and Wisconsin shouted, pouting.

"My, youngsters these days are quite bold." Ayane remarked with a giggle.

(Y/n) chuckled. "You can say that again."

"I'm gonna prepare more food for your husband, alright?" Ayane said.

Iowa nodded. "Sure."

Ayane left the room, letting the four have their sweet moment. There was a few seconds of silence, until (Y/n) broke the ice.

"So, how are you girls doing?" He asked them.

"After scaring us to death, you're gonna ask if we're fine?" Missouri glared at him.

"Err... Oh, hey! Now come think of it, where are we? I know we're in Japan based on the designs of this house, but where exactly? Also, what year is it?" (Y/n) forcefully diverted to something else, which somehow worked much to his thankfullness.

Azur Lane: Sword and Shield (Iowa-class x Male Battleship Reader)Where stories live. Discover now