Chapter 13: Telling The Truth

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"Hmm?" (Y/n) recieved a transmission from one of the two F-35B's in the air.

"What's wrong?" Alterprise asked him.

(Y/n)'s rigging materialized once again, alongside his sword. "Get ready. We have company."

The F-35s reported the surface contacts, which is a fleet Siren consisted of Scavenger and Tracker-class.

"Well, it was nice talking to you." (Y/n) said as his rigging materialized. "But I need to return immediately. The Iowa-class sisters are gonna kill me."

Alterprise smirked. "Well you better get back quickly. I still want to see you in one piece."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about the Siren fleet. I'll take care of them."

"Hmph. Now you're just showing off."


"What? No comeback?" Alterprise mocked as she turned around, but (Y/n) had already disappeared. In the distance, the roar of naval cannons could be heard, making her smile a little. "You haven't changed..."


"You shall die!" (Y/n) screamed.



The Siren's head separated from her body, both falling to the water with a small splash. (Y/n) flicked his sword to the side to remove the blood from the blade, then puts it back on its sheath Vergil style.

He looked back to see the carnage he caused. The Sirens' were bodies were sliced in pieces, while others were blown to bits, which already made them hard to identify if not for the colors of their riggings.

The sight reminded him of that day...

"Operation: Doomsday..." (Y/n) whispered as his face turned into a frown.

He shook his head, regaining his bearings as he sailed back to Azur Lane.


"I see." Alexandra said, typing down everything the male kansen had gained from Alterprise. "Is that all?"

"Yes." He replied with a nod. "About the part where she said that we had a daughter... please keep it between us."

"Are you scared because of the Iowa-class?"

"Yes. I don't know what will happen if they get a hold of this information. I don't know if they would accept it or not."

"I'm sure they will understand you."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. They can be quite... troublesome to handle."

"Is that so?" Alexandra saved the file, then sent it to High Command. "I didn't include it in the file, so don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."

"Thank you, Commander." (Y/n) said. "Can I tell the Iowa-class about this?"

"As long as it would keep the base safe." Alexandra said with a small laugh. "If you have nothing else to say, then you're free to go."

(Y/n) gave her a salute before heading back to his dorm. As usual, he came across shipgirls who would greet him on the way, to which he replied with either a small wave or a simple smile and nod.

He soon reached reached the dorm and went inside. He decided to clean his blade since he's got nothing to do.

"(Y/n)? Is that you?" Missouri called out from the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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