Chapter 9.5: If (Y/n) Had Affinity Lines

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(A/n): Just a random shit I came up with.

Self Introduction: USS Montana, BB-67. That's it.

Recieve: Nice to meet you, Commander. I am USS Montana, hull number 67. Though, I pretty much appreciate if you call me (Y/n).

Log-in: Good, you're finally here. Why are you late? A good Commander should arrive ahead or on time, so please stop that habit of yours.

Details: Stop staring at me. You're creeping me out.

Touch: Do have a wierd kink of touching people or something? At least you don't have a hand or back fetish...

Special Touch (Before Oath): *summons rigging* Thotus Begonus!

Task: Here's your task for today. I've already did 75% of it, so please don't be a lazy ass and do the remaining 25%.

Task Complete: Tasks are complete, ma'am. Your rewards have been delivered.

Return from mission: *stretches* That was a good warm-up. What...? You're exhausted already?

Commission: The girls you sent on a commission have returned, Commander. Go greet them. ...Me? I'll just stay here and sleep since there's nothing for me to do.

Mail: A letter from HQ. Let's see... meh. *crumples paper*

Secretary (Idle 1): If you have no tasks to give me, then I'm just gonna head over to the couch and sleep. Wake me up when september ends.

Secretary (Idle 2): ...I'm bored. Entertain me.

Secretary (Idle 3): You took an hour and a half to find me while I'm just standing incredibly still...? You're more oblivious than I expected. I haven't said anything because I thought it was funny to watch you circling around trying to find me.

Strengthening: I appreciate the effort. Thanks.

MVP: *chefs kiss*

Defeat: ...I guess that's just how it be sometimes. *dies*

Skill Activation: How about tasting 200 years of freedom, bitch?!

Disappointed: What an incompetent commander you are. Get lost. I don't need you.

Stranger: Your tactics confuse and frighten me, ma'am. Can you clarify it? You're gonna fry my brain at this rate.

Friends: Hmm... You look timid. I'll go make some coffee for you. Do you like black or cream?

Crush: Uh... Ah! I'm sorry for spacing out, Commander. I was... um... I definately wasn't thinking about you! I swear! Hahahahaha...

Love: No. You're not going to date anyone else other than me. If you do, I'm gonna kill you and then myself. Got it?

Oath: Yes... yes! I've waited for four- no, five thousand years for this! Now, put that ring on my finger and seal our marriage! Don't you dare change your mind!

Special Touch (After Oath): ...You better prepare for tonight.

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