Chapter 11: Wisconsin Tries To Cook

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The Next Day...

The Iowa-class walked in the boulevard, crossing paths with shipgirls who would greet them or get their autograph. They just talked about things, just like the good ol' days. They also didn't mention about what happened yesterday and pretended that nothing happened.

"We're not cheating, Missouri. You just suck at UNO." Wisconsin said.

"Guess you're right." Missouri conceded. "But at least I know how to cook."

Apparently, that dealt a heavy blow on Wisconsin. "Hey! I know how to cook! Who says that I don't?"

"(Y/n) himself said it." Iowa said with a shrug.

"Do you remember the time you sent him to the ER because you put rat poison on his food?" New Jersey recalled. "Thank God he survived."

"Okay, first off, I didn't know it was rat poison. It didn't have any logo in it, and it was placed among the sauces!" Wisconsin proclaimed. "Who the fuck put that there anyway?"

A sweat dripped from Missouri's forehead as she awkwardly and nervously averted her gaze away. 'I forgot to remove it there...'

"Secondly, I know how to cook." Wisconsin said.

"Well, (Y/n) wouldn't have screamed at you like how Gordon Ramsay would because you almost set the whole kitchen on fire that one time before the poisoning incident." New Jersey added.

Wisconsin began sulking at this point. "Am I really that bad...?"

"Hey, at least you are - and still is - a good wife to him. That's enough." Iowa said in an assuring tone.

"MY KATANA!!" A scream caught their attention.

The battleships turned their gaze to the side, only to see a crying shipgirl. From her outfit and demeanor, they could already guess that she's from the Sakura Empire.

"Hmm... If my memory serves me right, that's Hakuryuu." Missouri spoke.

"How did you know?" New Jersey asked.

"There's a list of shipgirls in the bulletin board. It also states what type of ships are they, their roles, and service history." Missouri added. "You didn't know?"

Wisconsin hummed. "So that's why they called you as the best secretary ship."

Missouri smiled proudly. "Of course."

Iowa approached her as her sisters followed after. "Um... excuse me?"

The Sakura kansen slowly looked at them. "H-Have you seen my katana?"

"I'm sorry, but we didn't." Missouri said.

Hakuryuu sighed in defeat. "How could this happen... That katana is my soul..."

"Well, we can help you find it!" New Jersey said.

Hakuryuu perked up. "R-Really?!"

"Yep!" Missouri agreed. "Come on, let's go!"

'I wonder what (Y/n) is doing...' Iowa pondered.


(Y/n), the one in question, was sitting in a bench under a tree, once again asking himself useless questions.

"Why is the word 'short' longer than the word 'long'?" He mumbled.

Yep, he's becoming more insane day by day.

Just then, he noticed a glint from the tree. He focused his gaze onto it, then finally got to trace a katana stuck onto the branch.

"How in the hell did that end up there?" He mumbled.

Azur Lane: Sword and Shield (Iowa-class x Male Battleship Reader)Where stories live. Discover now