Chapter 7: Alterprise

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A bald eagle flies through the sky, its feathers fluttering in the wind. It flapped its wings twice, giving itself a little push as it continued its flight.

The eagle itself had some dried wounds on its back and belly area, and its wings had both soot and burn marks. It had seen many battles, and it was a miracle that it still survived through it. It went through hell and back.

The eagle looked around, seemingly searching for something, or rather, someone. It soon saw a small figure in the sea and lets out a loud shriek and flew towards the said figure.

The figure, which was soon revealed to be a woman, raised her right arm as the eagle landed gently before tucking its wings on its body.

???: Did you find him?

The eagle shook its head dejectedly, failing the mission his master had given him.

???: It's alright.

The unknown woman gently patted the eagle in its head and smiled. The said woman had a neck-length white hair, and was wearing a black and white suit that emphasized her curves, black skirt, thigh-high boots with a knee-guard of some sort, and a tattered cape was attached to her uniform alongside a black scarf that was wrapped around her neck.

Her lavander eyes were dull, devoid of any emotions, yet showed pain and suffering. She had fought through many battles, and was scarred for life.

Her rigging was completely black, no markings to identify which faction she belongs to, no signature, not even a flashy paint job. Just pure black.

The woman lets out a small sigh and looked up in the sky, remembering the moment when she had finally found her beloved. His smooth (H/c) hair, the unwavering gaze from his (E/c) orbs, and the way he acted was exactly as the first time they've met.

There was no doubt about it, it was him.

???: (Y/n)...

She muttered a name and smiled, before sailing away towards the horizon.



(Y/n): ...R.I.P. ears.

Just as he had expected, it was their initial reaction upon hearing that he had fought the Empress of the Sirens all by himself and came out unscathed.

Alexandra somehow doubt his story, but she knew that he wasn't lying. Now she knows that he's far more stronger than the Grey Ghost herself, maybe even surpassing the Yamato-class themselves. She's glad that Enterprise didn't initiate a fight with them.

However, there was something that bugged her mind.

Alexandra: If you did fought her, then why didn't you kill her right then and there?

Iowa: She's right. You should've ended her right away.

(Y/n): *sigh* You don't understand. She was just toying with me.

Missouri: What do you mean? You said earlier that you pointed the tip of your sword at her neck, right? You should've gone further...

(Y/n): Yes, but Empress was holding back. If she hadn't, then I won't be here talking to you right now.

New Jersey: What are you trying to say?

(Y/n): Each time we fight, she unsummons her rigging to give me a handicap. She won't tell me why though. Maybe she wants to have fun with me. Even if I did kill her? What next? There is this their so called 'Creator'. We don't even know whatever that thing looks like. Hell, maybe he's stronger than Empress, maybe even the strongest entity out there. And if that 'Creator' appears, even I wouldn't be able to defeat him.

Azur Lane: Sword and Shield (Iowa-class x Male Battleship Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora