Chapter 8: And then this happens...

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'What... What the fuck?!' (Y/n) internally screamed, completely shocked by the girl's sudden move.

Regaining his senses, he managed to shove the girl from him and moved away, his cannons still aimed at her. He was completely caught off-guard, and did not know what was her reason for doing such thing. It was his first time seeing her, yet he was already sexually assaulted!

"What the hell, woman?" (Y/n) wiped his lips with his arm. "The fuck is your deal? I was just minding my own business here, and now you're here, interrupting my day and harrasing me?"

"..." The unknown woman did not reply, yet she had a noticable frown plastered in her face. She picked up her bow and simply held it, making to attempts to attack.

"Hey." (Y/n) called out. "Are you listening to me?"

"I... I understand if you don't know me..." She said, her voice breaking. "It's probably better this way."

"What do you mean?" (Y/n) asked her, now completely confused.

The woman sighed, seemingly saddened. "You'll know soon enough..."

"You were that girl back then, aren't you?" (Y/n) brought up, making her flinch. "What are you doing there? Are you stalking me?"

"...Yes." The woman admitted. "However, I'm not an assassin. I merely wish to see you."

"Is that why are you after me?" (Y/n) pressed on. "You simply want to annoy me? Don't give me that shit. I know you have some ulterior motives, and right now, I see you as a threat not just to me but to the entirety of humanity."

"(Y/n), I-" The woman stopped mid-sentence, realizing what she had said.

(Y/n) reloaded his cannons. "How did you know my name?"

"As I said earlier, you'll learn soon enough." The woman repeated. "I've seen you again, and that's enough for me. I'm satisfied... for now."

And with her final words, she sailed away, leaving the male kansen alone. He was about to gave chase, but she was already gone before he could make a move.

(Y/n) sighed. "I need coffee."

(Y/n) suddenly heard a faint sound of a jet flying overhead. He took a glance and saw an F-35, but it wasn't his. He recognized the markings in the tails and quickly realized who it belongs to.

"Fuck, that's Iowa's jet..." (Y/n) cursed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "How in the hell didn't I notice that? She's definitely going kill me..."

He clicked his tongue in annoyance and sailed back to Azur Lane, hoping that things don't stir up when he arrive.


Upon arriving, (Y/n) unsummoned his riggings as his ship materialized nearby. He walked further, and was greeted by Iowa who had her arms crossed, and was smiling, which was a clear giveaway that shit is about to go down.

"Hey, darling." Iowa greeted as she approached him, and gave her husbund a short hug afterwards. "What took you so long?"

"I... encountered some problems along the way." (Y/n) lied, but he knew that Iowa wasn't buying that.

"I see." Iowa said. She motioned the male to follow after her, which he did. "Let me ask you this - if you found a bag full of money in it, would you take it to the authorities?"

"No way. I'd totally keep it. Finder's keepers." (Y/n) replied with a small laugh. Soon, he found himself in a disclosed area in the docks, where not even a single shipgirl can be found except for them.

"Well, aren't you honest?" Iowa giggled. "But what if I was an undercover officer and I saw you take it?"

"I'd probably give you the half and have you look the other way." (Y/n) answered.

Azur Lane: Sword and Shield (Iowa-class x Male Battleship Reader)Where stories live. Discover now