Chapter 6: We've Met Again

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(A/N): Back from the grave! I apologize for the late update.


Ah, yes. The never dying cafeteria - home to many hungry shipgirls, who would seek out foods and snacks to satisfy their hunger.

On one table, (Y/n) was eating his meal in a calm manner, unlike the Iowa-class who were devouring their food like there's no tomorrow. They were getting stares from the shipgirls around, but they're too hungry to give a damn about them.

Battleships really are in a whole different league when it comes to food. Well, they are large after all, so they couldn't blame them.

Alexandra, who was holding a rolled paper, soon came into the cafeteria and walked towards their table, completely ignoring the Iowa-class who were still too busy eating with their food. There are some shipgirls with almost limitless appetite, so it's nothing new to her.

Alexandra: (Y/n).

(Y/n): *looks at her* Is there something you need?

Alexandra: May I speak with you for a moment? Alone?

(Y/n) sighed and finished his food in a blink of an eye, completely stunning the female commander. Alexandra never saw someone finish their food in a flash.

Alexandra: 'H-How the hell...'

(Y/n): *hums* That was some good shit.

Alexandra: ...

(Y/n) placed down his spoon and fork and wiped his mouth with a towel, brushing off the surprised stare that he was getting.

(Y/n): *stands up* What? Is there something on my face?

Alexandra: N-Nothing...

(Y/n): Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go. I hate wasting time.


Alexandra opened the door to her office as she and (Y/n) entered. The office itself looks decent enough, and on the walls were various medals hanged in an orderly fashion.

The female commander walked over to her desk and gestured (Y/n) to take the seat in front of her table. He did so and sat down, waiting for her to start.

Alexandra: I know that it's been only a few hours since we've met, but... I need your help.

(Y/n): On what?

Alexandra: *places the paper on the desk* This.

She gently pushed the paper towards him. (Y/n) grabbed the paper and read the contents - a whole bunch of texts about a Siren base located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

On top was the picture of the base itself. It is black in appearance, and has a circular structure. The picture was probably taken from a spy plane, so the lack of information is understandable.

Alexandra: I want you to gather information and pinpoint their weak spots, so we can launch an all-out air assault. We can't let that base threaten our dominance over the Pacific.

(Y/n): Sounds easy enough.

Alexandra: Don't get too overconfident with yourself, (Y/n). I know you're strong, but don't be too brash.

(Y/n): I'm not being confident.

Alexandra: Be careful on your way there, (Y/n). I don't know why, but my gut tells me that something's wrong in there.

(Y/n): *nods* We'll be going tomorrow. 0800 hours sharp.

Alexandra: Understood. Do you want me to send send some shipgirls to accompany you?

Azur Lane: Sword and Shield (Iowa-class x Male Battleship Reader)Where stories live. Discover now