Chapter 33: These Chains of Consequence

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Nicolas and Scourge escorted me down the corridors of the ship silently. With every footstep I took, my heart slowly accelerated faster and faster, and my spine tingled with anticipation. Was I anxious from the thought of finally being free from this prison? Or was it because of something else? I couldn't get Emory's warning out of my head, and I found myself walking closer to Scourge and further away from Nicolas. I focused on the back of his glossy black ponytail, and tried to calm my nerves. If I was going to escape with him, I had to be able to trust him. I had to be willing to cooperate.

But I just couldn't get past the feeling that something wasn't right. Warning flags seemed to develop all over my senses, and my mind kept going back to Emory's warning. Whatever you do, don't allow yourself to be alone with Nicolas, do you understand?

His warning made me think about what happened the last time I was alone with him. I winced at the thought of his aggressive and desperate touch, and my palms started to sweat when I remembered exactly what he was capable of doing to me. 

Mentally, I tried to shake those thoughts away. I would be fine as long as Scourge was within my sight. He was supposed to be my bodyguard, after all. I had to remind myself that Nicolas was the single string of hope that I had, in order to escape my fate. And I would hang on to that string of hope no matter what. It was the only choice that I had.

"Here we are," Nicolas said abruptly. He started to fish through the pockets of his brown pirate's coat to open the door before us. I hadn't even noticed that he stopped walking, I was so lost in thought. I lightly bumped into his backside, and I noticed that Scourge had kept a light hand over my shoulder the entire time we had walked. I watched Nicolas look for his key, and I observed that he was wearing a smirk on his face, as if he knew some dark secret.

Suddenly, as if something in my body had triggered, panic shot up my throat, and adrenaline started to pump through my blood. Emory's voice bounced off the walls of my brain, and the hair on my arms stood on end. My body was screaming at me to flee, to run, to escape. But it was too late. I had already made this decision, and I realized with horror, that I would most likely regret it.

Nicolas opened the door, gesturing me to walk in. It appeared to be a dark room.

"After you, princesa." He bowed, slightly. The smirk was gone, now replaced with a forced smile. His black eyes were narrow, evoking false kindness. Nicolas had all of the features to be handsome, but it was almost as if he tried to be handsome and did everything he could to accentuate his looks. He was almost too perfect looking. Too good to be true.

Just like this escape plan.

I stood there, frozen. I was unsure of what to do, and I knew that I couldn't possibly change my mind now. Who knows what Nicolas would do. The only protection I had with me was Scourge. And Emory . . . I should've stayed with him.

I dig my nails into my palms painfully, my arms shaking by my sides.

Maybe there's still a chance. Perhaps I was just making myself paranoid. 

I finally find the strength to move, realizing that I had to accept whatever consequences came with my decision. I swallow, trying to keep the knot in my throat from swelling any bigger. I kept reminding myself that as long as Scourge was with me, Nicolas couldn't hurt me. I gently clutch Scourge's thick wrist, and slowly start to walk into the dark room.

And then Scourge was yanked from my grasp.

My heart starts to hammer in my chest, and I could feel the panic erupt through my body.

"Scourge, stay outside." Nicolas muttered in a low voice. "Don't let anyone come near this door, understand?" 

"Ugggnhhh?" He sounded hurt. He tried reaching for my hand again, but Nicolas smacked it away.

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