~~~Chapter 15: Our Frustrating Circumstances~~~

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Oh my gosh, you guys are amazing!!! I never thought I would have as many votes on this story as I do. I'm absolutely in love with this entire thing, and it makes me so happy to know that other people love it too :) Never feel weird about commenting saying what you want to have happen, because I'm not honestly sure myself ;) so here you go my lovelies, WE CONTINUE ONWARDS. <3 

"It was a life worth saving, Emory." That's what I had said. And I meant it, with every piece of my heart and soul, I meant every single word. If Emory is supposed to be this evil and cruel monster, then why do I feel this way? Why do I feel so safe in his arms right now? I have never had much experience around men before, but all I wanted to do was kiss him. I wanted to kiss the small scar on his eyebrow and feel his broad and muscular body keep me safe from the hellhole I had been forced to live in. His lips were only mere centimeters away from mine.

He leaned in closer, almost closing that gap completely.

I held my breath and closed my eyes.

And then he stopped. 

He pushed me away, quite aggressively, and it almost knocked me completely over.

"I'll go find you some dry clothes," he muttered. He was scowling again. "I'll be back." And with that, he stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him. 

I stood there completely frozen in shock.

What had just happened? Why did he push me away like that? Did I do something wrong? I don't understand. I wanted to kiss him so badly, and I thought he wanted to kiss me too . . . 

And then I realized. I wasn't Princess Evelyn anymore. I was now a dirty whore, a piece of property, a dog, a slave. No one could ever truly love or want me this way. 

I collapsed to the ground, onto my knees. Tears were burning behind my eyes, and the sick feeling in my stomach wasn't from hunger or pain. It was from my heart breaking. 

Violent sobs erupted from my throat, and I didn't even care anymore. I cried for losing my home, for losing my family, and for losing myself. 

(Emory's Point of View)

I found myself on the deck of the ship, looking down at the cold waters. The water where I had almost lost my life in. After Evelyn had fallen over into the ocean, I immediately dove in after her. After all, she was my responsibility. Keeping her alive would ultimately be worth it in the end, she's worth an unbelievable amount of money. Money that would soon be mine, and a reputation to keep me living comfortably forever.

I shook my head.

I wasn't thinking about the money when I dove in after her. No, I wasn't thinking about the money at all. All I could think about was imagining her dead corpse sink to the bottom of the ocean, gone forever. Her beautiful face empty of life, her skin turning blue from the cold, no more warmth. I couldn't let it happen, I just couldn't. But then I almost drowned, myself. But I know she saved me. The crew wouldn't have known where I was to get me, if she hadn't pushed me to the surface. And now I owe her my life. 


I ran my fingers through my hair, frustrated. Why the hell am I feeling like this? I stopped feeling things years ago. This business made sure of that. I don't feel guilty, I don't feel regret, I don't feel love. And yet, when I'm around Evelyn, I feel all of those things at once.

I've taken hundreds of girls from their homes, mistreated them, sold them off to hundreds of sick bastards. None of them have ever gotten in my way of doing my job. Except Evelyn. 

Getting even more frustrated, I kicked the side of the boat and cursed.

I wanted to kiss her so bad. She was right there in my arms. Vulnerable, meek, desirable. I think about how it felt to have her small and delicate body wrapped around mine, making her feel safe and warm. Her soft, honey brown hair intertwined in my fingers like silk. The small freckles on her nose she probably would deny having. Ugh. She makes me sick.

I need to get off this damn boat. I'm going nuts. 

I stomp my way to the captain's quarters. I wasn't really in the mood to chat with Captain Bell right now, but I needed to get an estimate of when we'd arrive to Mexico. I wasn't sure how much longer I could contain myself around Evelyn. 

He was sitting in his quarters, doing nothing as suspected.

"Ah, Emory." He said. "Good to see you're recovering well from the storm."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say quickly. "How much longer do we have until we get to Mexico?"

He laughed. "What's the hurry?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, annoyed. "Maybe because I'm tired of being surrounded by idiots, and maybe because I want my damn money." 

He thought I was joking. "You'll get your money, you just have to be patient, you 'ole brute. The storm took us off course, so we should be there in about three weeks." 

Could this day get any fucking worse?

"Alright, whatever." I scowl.

I was about to make my leave when the door burst open with one of the crew members on deck.

"Capn'!!" he cried. "We got a huge problem!!"

Captain Bell sighed. "What is it this time?"

Fear took over his entire face as his said, "Pirates!!" 


Hope you guys liked this!! I'm gonna need at least 5 votes on this chapter to update ;D I'm trying not to make the chapters super long to keep it interesting, and as always, feedback is welcome!! <3 

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