Chapter 25: The Stowaway

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"What am I supposed to tell Scourge?" I ask Emory in a hushed voice. "What reason would I have for seeing the captain at this hour?"

He was sifting through clothes in the closet, cursing under his breath as he went. It was suggested that I wait until he had his disguise ready before I approached Scourge.

"That's up to you to decide," Emory muttered. "Figure it out. It shouldn't be too hard to convince anything to that meathead." 

"But what if he doesn't take me to the captain? What if he doesn't listen to me?" I protested, my voice rising higher. I was starting to panic. The pressure of my task was beginning to suffocate me, and I felt my anxiety levels peak.

Emory turned around, and even in the dimly lit room, I could see him glaring daggers at me. "I'm not taking no for an answer, Honeybird." 

I look away and say nothing.

After sorting through the clothes for a little while longer, Emory found all of the clothing he needed for his disguise. From what I could see, he had mostly wrapped up his entire body into a pirate-like fashion, including a black bandana to cover most of his face. He must have noticed of how the pirates were dressed while getting on this ship, because he looked very similar. I caught myself feeling impressed.

"Well, I guess we'll see how good this disguise is," Emory said skeptically. 

I nodded. I was about to start thinking about how I could convince Scourge to take me to the captain when something struck me. Most of the pirates were Spanish, and they spoke Spanish as well. 

"Do you . . . speak Spanish?" I ask quietly.

"I speak six languages fluently," Emory said quickly. "I'll be fine, can you just go wake up that bastard now?" 

I stand there for a moment shocked. Six languages? When did he find the time to learn six different languages? Trafficking girls from all over the world, I suppose. That's not something to be impressed by.

"A-alright, I'm going," I stutter. Emory takes his hiding place in the closet, and I approach the door. I could still hear Scourge's loud snores on the outside. Before I could stop myself or hesitate any longer, I pound loudly on the door and shout, "Scourge! Scourge, I need your assistance!"

My voice had cracked. That was probably the loudest I've spoken in weeks. 

The door immediately flew open, and it almost knocked me off of my feet. Within seconds, I'm inches away from Scourge towering over me, breathing like a wild and angry animal.

"Unghhh?!?!?" He roared. I had obviously woken him up from a very pleasant sleep.

I swallow. "S-Scourge, I need to see the captain immediately . . ." 

He roared again, spit flying in all directions. He was the most terrifying thing I had ever seen in my entire life. 

I try again. "W-w-will you take me to see the captain, S-Scourge?" My voice cracks again, and my body wobbles in fear. He could crush me like an insect at any moment. "P-please?"

Scourge looks down upon me with the eye not under his eye-patch, his tattoos bulging under his super human muscles. I couldn't quite understand what he was thinking, and I was too frightened to really think about it. 

"Ungghh?" he grunts.

I stare at him. He stares back, waiting for a response.

"Y-yes, I need to see the captain right away," I say trembling. "Will you t-take me to the captain?" 

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