***Chapter 34: This Raging Red Rum***

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Hey everyone!!! I'm so blessed and thankful to have all of the reads on this story that I do, and I really appreciate when people take the time to comment and give feedback as well!! YOU ARE ALL AWESOME :) I love this story so much, and I'm happy others do too!! Like I mentioned in the last chapter, I'm still accepting songs that would be good for this story, since I'm making a play-list, so just keep that in mind!!! So anyways, ENJOY THIS LONGER SLIGHTLY MORE EXCITING PART :D


*Emory's Point of View*

For the past hour, I had been sulking around on the upper deck of the ship, gulping down some rum I had taken. Ignoring insults, threats and dirty looks from the other filthy mongrels aboard, I walked the entire perimeter of the ship over and over again. The sky was clear and full of stars, which was comforting, and the salt in the air seemed to breathe life back into my lungs. The air felt warm and dry, and I was already starting to dread the heat of Mexico for the next week or so. Regardless, it was a relief to have some space to clear my head.

I've never been the kind of person that did well in confinement or small, cramped places. I had to be constantly moving, constantly thinking, constantly aware of everything at all times. My way of living relied on always moving forward, and I could never let myself stop. If I let myself stop for even a second, my thoughts wandered to darker places. Memories of the past would suffocate me, and I was more than aware that they had the power to destroy me. For years, I had been trying to bury and destroy those memories into the fiery pits of Hell, and I've noticed that with each passing day it's become harder and harder to do.

All because of Evelyn.

I take another swig of rum, and then spit into the sea. The more I drank, the faster my head spun, which was what I wanted. My senses needed to be numbed.

I run my hand through my hair, and steady my balance. 

She was just so God damn frustrating. Every time I looked at her, stabs of guilt and shame shot through my chest, as if she were my own personal reminder that I was eternally damned. Every time I looked at her, she reminded me of every life I had ever taken. Looking at Evelyn made me think about every piece of myself that I hated. She was slowly breaking through the walls I had spent so long building around myself. She made me vulnerable. She made me weak. 

And I hated her for it.

I hated the fact that she was such a pure, beautiful human being. I hated the fact that she would, without a doubt, give up her own life if it meant someone else could live. I hated the fact that Evelyn simply took my breath away just by speaking to me, which was rare. She wasn't a girl of many words, but I could tell just by looking at her that she had more she wanted to say to me.

And the truth was, I had more to say to her too.

But what was I supposed to even say? I couldn't even begin to understand my feelings towards her in the first place. She frustrated and confused me beyond belief. She should despise me, she should want to murder me in my sleep, she should be hostile and angry towards me. I basically ruined her life. I'm the one responsible for taking her away from home. And the fact that instead, she saves me from almost drowning in the ocean . . .  just made me hate her that much more.

Evelyn's just . . . so näive. She doesn't seem to even understand how valuable she is and what's at stake. It's been a pain in the ass keeping her alive and away from the hands of greedy, lustful, men.

But then I realize something.

I haven't been keeping her safe and alive because it's part of the mission. No, I've been doing it because I want to. I want to keep Evelyn protected. She's fragile and completely helpless. The thought of anyone hurting her or corrupting her made me want to vomit.

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