Chapter 218

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Hi guys!! I think I've asked this before, but which character do you guys find to be the funniest (humor)?

"WSU treating you well?" Stephanie laughs as she throws the car keys at me. Stephanie can read me like a fucking blog. I hate WSU without her, I do. I need her.

"Don't test me." I give her a smile and she smiles back, pissing me off even more.

The keys are hard in my hand and I feel them more than ever before, they're hurting my skin, Stephanie really does throw harder than her arms show she's able to. Or maybe it's just the anger she's holding for me.

"Madison doesn't deserve you, you know," Stephanie says, looking at the side of my face but I don't look back at her.

"I know I'm too good for her, but I still love her," I smirk at Stephanie who is clearly holding back laughter before I disappear into the school. I can hear a faint 'ugh' but I let it go and rush into the library. 

If I'm not going to let myself get kicked out of this damned school I need to get back on track with the stupid homework they assign to us.

I realize I don't have my backpack on me and I turn around sharply to run back down the hall and into the dorms. I fumble for my keys like a drunk fucking idiot before I finally unlock the door. Everything is just as I left it, clean, spotless, and black.

I press a pink mug with a rose in the middle on the table and the whole room seems to change for the better. This is the one thing I learned from Madison that I'll never let go of. 

It's not an ugly mug like I expected it to be, considering I grabbed a random colorful item from the gas shop I and Stephanie stopped at in the middle of our trip back to WSU. I figured I'd give it to Madison, but seeing it here, I feel like we'd both enjoy it. 

My thoughts pout a smile on my lips and I quickly grab the bag on my chair and hurry back out, locking the room with my tight grip on the door handle.

I glance at my phone only to see that I have no messages from Madison, no missed calls; no nothing. Of course not, why would she call me? All I have on my phone are pictures of us, ones that I miss, and some photos of her ass that I managed to sneak in without her looking; photos that get me through everything I need. But I still need her, and I always will. 

I manage to glance down on the floor as I stalk Madisons' photos on my phone and try to ignore the seventy-two calls she hasn't picked up on since I left Ohio. 

I realize I'm walking up the stairs and that the library should be in front of me any time soon but I'm too stuck up on Madison and her red-dressed ass. 

I feel something hit my shoulder but after muttering a quick 'sorry' I make myself away from whatever soft shoulder I just hit without bothering to look up. 

Madison will always be number one, and if someone wants to get into a fight, so fucking be it, I have too much anger to release anyway.

"M—Miles?" I hear a soft tone and I can only pray it isn't what I'm thinking. 

I glance up to a short girl with curly brown hair, not as brown as Madison's but brown. Her eyes are a piercing grey and her hands are wrapped around books that hang at her thigh area.

"Hayley." I breathe but not loud enough for her to hear my surprise, but then again, she probably sees the surprise in my eyes.

"Miles, you have to stop this, you and Jacob, this has been getting out of control," Helen says, her forest-green eyes piercing at me, trying her best to keep herself steady as she washes a knife in her hands.

"This isn't the way you want to spend your life, this rivalry is getting out of hand . . . you and Jacob are a little too close." She presses her lip into a line.

"Let it go, okay?" Who the hell does she think she is? I hold a large plate with freshly made chicken and roasted vegetables.

"I'm quitting after her, she's the last. The ninety-nine. Jacob and I are doing this, so you better stay out of it." I say, my eyes piercing through hers. I turn to face the dining room out of Helen's kitchen to see Hayley looking around, trying to see where I am. I spot her eyes and she spots mine. I give her a small smirk and a wink.

"You're not my mother, you're Jacob's, so maybe you should spend your time lecturing him instead of me, and hey . . . if you do, I might just win the game." I turn to Helen with a quick wink before smiling away and entering the dining room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask the girl in front of me, trying not to laugh over the sudden dryness in my throat, not from emotion but from pure and utter fucking surprise.

"I'm, uh, touring WSU." She explains, pushing half her hair behind her ear, not in the way that Madison does it, but different and not in the way I love; not even close.

Her makeup isn't heavy at all, it's plain but he eyes are still so sharp and the freckles on her skin somehow make them piercing.

"You liking it so far?" What the fuck do I just say to his girl? Give her my fucking mug? I don't know what the hell I'm doing in front of her right now.

"Not really, it's not my taste, I'm not sure what I'm thinking still but it won't be here." She explains with a small soft smile.

"You two ordering something?" The woman at the coffee counter asks.

"Yeah, sure," I say.

"What are you drinking?" I ask Hayley and she asks for a frosted strawberry macchiato. I raise a brow, somehow stupidly having expected her to order a caramel frappuccino.

"What about you?" Hayley looks up at me.

"I'll have a hazelnut frappuccino."

"One hazelnut Frappé coming up." The lady by the counter says and I cringe. Something about some words just sounds like pure shit.

"I got this," I tell Hayley but she shakes her head like a small dwarf below me.s

"I'm paying." She throws a huge smile my way and I nod. She has some Chrissy tendencies and they just happen to be the ones I don't like.

The coffees are handed over to us and we walk over to the library and sit down, she's so awkward in front of me and I can't help but stare and wonder what has gone on in her life.

"So how have you been?" She manages calmly and sweetly.

Let me know what you guys think will happen next!! :) <3

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