Chapter 10

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Lokia faced off against Fenrir, he growled back at her, his giant wolf form standing over her. She took out her dagger as he knocked away her sword she’d been using; a deep growling laughed came from his throat as he stalked towards her.

            “I told you I’d win, give up mortal.”

            “I’m not out of tricks yet.”

            She feinted going left and he leapt towards her, instead he flew past her and she created a long cut on his side, he turned to growl at her before leaping again. This time she let him pin her down, before he could attack her again though, she stabbed the knife through his jaw. Fenrir jerked back and shook his head; he pawed at it until the blade fell to the ground covered in blood.

            “Told you I wa-” She was cut off as Fenrir lunged at her again.

            He sunk his teeth into her throat as Lokia thrashed around on the ground beneath him, all he could see was red as he bit down harder, his teeth scratching the bone slightly. Fenrir heard a voice yelling at him to stop while Lokia struggled in vain under him before feeling someone try to pull him away, he shook them off before throwing Lokia into a wall where she lay in a growing pool of blood. Loki stood up from where he’d landed and glared at him son in frustration and anger.

            “Calm down, it’s a sparring match.” Loki snapped at his wolf child.

            Fenrir growled at him but was held back by his father’s magic.

“Let me rip them apart!” He howled in a blind rage, continuing to fight to keep attacking.

            Loki backed away from him slowly, and circled over to where Lokia was on the floor completely still. He picked her up while keeping an eye on his son; Lokia's head fell back, barely attached with a few strands of muscle and bone. He knocked out Fenrir before carrying Lokia out the door, which he put magic on so Fenrir couldn’t get out.

            “Lokia hang on, you’ll live.” Loki lied to comfort her.

            Lokia glanced at him, but at the same time past him at something only she could see. All she felt was pain, indescribable pain in her throat, and the rest of her felt numb, she couldn’t move, she didn’t even know if she was breathing. If this is death… it’s terrible… She thought weakly. 

            Loki could feel her blood soaking through his armor as he continued his fast paced walk through the halls of Asgard until he finally stopped. The healers wouldn’t be able to do anything to save Lokia. She was too injured… too far gone to try helping now. He laid her down to the ground and Lokia made a choking noise as more blood ran out of her throat but wasn’t strong enough to move into a more comfortable position.

            Her eyes screamed at him to help her but he only looked down blankly, she would be gone any minute. Down the halls he had come from Fenrir’s howls rang out clearly as he furiously tried to escape. Loki stayed in his own thoughts about his plans to finish this messed up chaotic war until an almost inaudible shuddering breath escaped Lokia and she fell still for the last time. He closed her pain filled eyes and searched for a guard to dispose of her body before releasing his now calmed son from the training room.

            “Congratulations, you have just killed an enemy of Asgard and Midgard.” Loki spoke up as his son walked out.

            Fenrir’s eyes widened. “I killed her?”


            “Is our plan still on? Do we still kill the human heroes?” Fenrir asked curiously, ready to start the fighting again.

            Loki looked down for a moment and made a dagger appear in his hands before walking forward. “Yes, son, there will be killing… just not the mortals.”

            The dagger went into Fenrir’s skull in a blink of an eye; Loki watched his son fall to the ground emotionlessly. “It was your time… I couldn’t risk the end of the world! I enjoy the power I hold now… if I started Ragnarök the nine realms would be destroyed. Just like Odin had expected… too bad I am smarter than him. ”

            Of course the dead body lying at his feet didn’t respond to his little rant. Loki sighed and left the room for someone else to find the murdered body and take care of it. For now he had to go back to earth and tell those pathetic mortals that their world was safe… at least for now. He had all the power he wanted at the moment, an entire realm at his hands, of course that might not be the same situation in the future. But for now Loki could get S.H.I.E.L.D. off his back.

            When Loki went back to earth and told the Avengers what had happened they each had different reactions. Kate, of course, was sobbing at the fact her friend could not be saved, though understood that it was for the best as Lokia wasn’t in her right mind. Thor, well Loki could guess that his ‘brother’ was planning a party to celebrate the fact while Bruce was probably thinking of an excuse to get out of it due to his condition for turning into a monster. Loki tried not to smirk as he left, after all the trouble he had caused, after Lokia’s insanity, he couldn’t believe only three Avengers were left… if he ever planned to attack Midgard again; it seemed it would be almost too easy to take over. 

I have made a rewrite of Kidnapped by the Avengers (and Loki) called Abduction and plan on making a rewrite of this book as well after I finish Abduction. 

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