Chapter 5

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“Everyone, I have a name for him!” Tony announced. “Meet Damian Stark.”

            “Congratulations, you took two days to name a child.” Natasha clapped sarcastically.

            “Hey I don’t see you naming your kid.”

            “I don’t have a kid.”

            Tony stopped talking and went to go make some baby formula for Damian before he woke up, after the agents had found his son Tony refused to let him out of his sight unless absolutely necessary. He still wasn’t over Pepper’s death but now he was determined to find Lokia and keep his son safe. The others were still searching for Lokia but she hadn’t attacked them since Pepper was murdered.

            “Maybe she gave up.” Kate said hopefully as they looked at the security cameras located around the world. 

            “I doubt that, she seemed determined to kill us.” Clint replied.

            “Well after what she learned… I mean she was so shocked.”

            “Will you stop hoping your friend is still in there? The Lokia you knew is gone!”

            They heard Damian start crying and Tony stormed into the room. “Will you stop arguing? You woke up my son!”

            “Sorry…” Clint muttered.

            Tony glared at him and left.

            “The Man of Iron is really protective.” Thor commented.

            “His son is the last family he has left.” Bruce reminded him. “It’s not that surprising.”

            “Hey, we found a match!” Natasha shouted, making Tony come back in to glare at them.

            “Where at?” Clint rushed over.

            “New York… how is that not surprising.”

            “Lets go then.” Tony replied. “Hill can watch Damian.”

            They suited up and got into a jet before flying off to New York, they found Lokia fighting Loki who was bleeding in the head and side.

            “Brother, what are you doing here?” Thor exclaimed.

            “I… I couldn’t just wait in that cell for her to kill me.” Loki panted as he dodged another attack. “Stop staring at me and help you idiot!”

            They took out their weapons but Tony flew passed them and slammed into Lokia before they could attack. She started to get up but he shot her in the leg and kicked her down again. Lokia dragged herself away from him and went into his mind, as she attacked him she caught a glimpse of his son and relief washed through her before hatred took over again.

            “So your son’s alive… guess I’ll have to pay him a visit.” Lokia laughed and teleported to the Helicarrier.

            “No, come back and fight!” Tony shouted before the others ran over with Loki handcuffed and limping behind them.

            “Where’s she going?” Clint asked.

            “S.H.I.E.L.D., she read my mind. She’s going after Damian!” Tony panicked.

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