Chapter 4

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Tony broke down the door, not even bothering to see if it was unlocked and saw agents’ bodies scattered across the room. He ran in and found Pepper lying in bed with the blankets wrapped around her.

            “Pepper, Pepper wake up Lokia she…” Tony stopped shaking her when he felt something wet drip onto his neck and looked up.

            On the ceiling was a message written in blood: You’re next. When he looked back down he finally saw the blood soaking the blanket and burst into tears. The others ran in but stopped and stood there awkwardly while they let Tony morn. Eventually Clint signaled for Natasha, Bruce, and Thor to search the rest of the house while he stayed behind with Kate incase Lokia attacked Tony while he was distracted.

            “I can’t… can’t believe she would do this…” Tony whispered as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

            “Tony I know this is a bad time but we can’t just stay here. We need to find Lokia.” Kate said.

            “No need to find me. I’m here.” Lokia replied and made herself visible.

            “You’re a monster! How could you kill her?” Tony yelled and slammed her into the wall. She struggled and reached for her knife but his next words made her freeze. “She was going to have my son!”

            “W… what?” Lokia stuttered.

            “Don’t act like you didn’t know!” Tony punched her in the head and the others came back to see what was going on.

            “I swear… Tony I would never hurt an innocent child.”

            “Stop lying!”

            Tony tried punching her again but Thor dragged him away, Lokia rubbed her head and glared at them but was still too horror struck to attack. Tony struggled to attack her again but Thor and Bruce dragged him out of the room, Natasha and Kate put Lokia in handcuffs making her snap out of it, she kicked Natasha in the ribs and pushed Kate away before they could lock the cuffs.

            “Lokia wait!” Kate cried. “You don’t have to do this!”

            “I do. So ether your with me or against me.” Lokia told her coldly.

            “I can’t kill innocent people.”

            “Then you chose your fate. Next time you see me I will try killing all of you.”

            Lokia teleported out of the house and to an abandoned part of the city, sure S.H.I.E.L.D. would probably have agents checking this area soon but she could take care of him but right now she needed to think, already her revenge was going too far, only the Avengers and their families were supposed to die not innocent children. But then again when she thought about it that child would be Tony’s family so technically she just killed it sooner. Even after she thought about it she still felt a faint hint of guilt.

            Thor and Bruce managed to calm Tony down and he went silent and keeled by the bed holding his dead fiancée’s hand. They gave him some more space until more agents showed up to take care of the damage, when they did they found a small baby in the kitchen pantry. They picked it up and carried it to Tony’s room where he was still in his vigil.

            “Mr. Stark… we found something you might want to see.” The agent’s voice shook slightly incase Tony reacted badly.

            “What is it?” Tony sighed in depression.

            “We think we found your son…”

            “Take it away I’ll look at it later… wait what?”

            “Your son.”

            “I heard what you said give him to me!”

            Tony held his son and walked out to where the others were sitting, when they looked up Kate let out a gasp of shock. He let out a tiny smile and sat down as they waited for the agents to finish searching the house and take care of the bodies.

            “Have you thought of a name?” Thor asked.

            “No, not yet. I just hope Lokia doesn’t find out.”

            “Don’t worry we’ll protect your child with our lives.”

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