Chapter 2

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Lokia jerked awake and saw dawn light filter through the stairway, she jumped up in shock and but saw most of the prisoners were already asleep. At least I might still make it out.

            She focused her power to create a beam of energy and released it, when it hit the wall it glowed white but didn’t break, she put more energy into her attack until a shattering sound came from it. Guards started to run over to her cell but she quickly killed them and ran for the back way out.

            “They will kill you.” Loki hissed as she went by his cell.

            “You’re wrong… I’ll get even and when I return you better watch your back.”

            More guards appeared and she held up her hands in surrender, when they tried to lead her back to her cell the image disappeared. They looked for her but it became increasingly obvious Lokia wasn’t on Asgard anymore, when they reported it to Odin he sent his warriors to get Thor and start searching for her, naturally Thor went to Earth first to warn the Avengers.

            Lokia wandered around New York until she reached Stark Tower, she looked at Tony’s landing pad and teleported up to it. She stumbled as when she landed from all the energy she had used but forced herself to stay standing. An alarm went off when she stepped inside but she ignored it until Tony showed up in his suite and aimed his weapons at her.

            “Lokia you’re supposed to be locked up.” His robotic voice stated.

            “It was boring in there, so I decided to take a vacation.” She replied calmly. “I’m not here to fight don’t worry.”

            “Jarvis turn off the alarms.”

            Tony took off his suit, as the blaring sound of the alarm died away, Lokia sat on his couch while he stood there and looked at her suspiciously. She smirked at his distrustfulness, he shouldn’t trust her but for now she was going to take advantage of having his meager trust to relax and gain the others’ trust again before killing them one by one.

            “So, how’s Pepper?” She asked.

            “Why do you want to know?”

            “I’m just trying to start a conversation, it was lonely not being able to speak with anyone. Or at least with someone who actually cared and talked back to me.”

            He let out a breath and sat next to her but she could tell he was still prepared for an attack. “She’s fine.”

            “And the other Avengers? Kate; how’s she?”

            “Kate was in misery because of your betrayal, she’s had such a hard time making new friends.” Tony cast her an accusing look but she ignored it and the pang of guilt his words brought. “But the others are fine, working to keep the world safe still but otherwise fine.”

            Lokia picked up the TV remote and started flipping through channels, Tony continued to glare at her trying to detect any sign of violence but she was making herself right at home.

            “You know out of all the channels you get half of them are news.” Lokia stated. “Also I’m starving prisoners don’t really get fed often, could you order a pizza?”

            Tony snorted and walked out of the room to call Pepper, he couldn’t risk her being here and getting killed. Next he called Fury and told him about Lokia showing up.

            “Don’t let her leave, and stay on your guard.” Fury ordered. “I’ll send an agent there disguised as a pizza delivery man.”

            “Just hurry.” Tony hung up and walked back out to where Lokia was now going through his movies.

            She looked up and smirked when she saw fear in his eyes. “I swear I won’t kill you in your own house.”

            “That doesn’t make me feel better.”

            “Did you get the pizza?”


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