Chapter 7

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Lokia had managed to avoid S.H.I.E.L.D.’s detection for a year now, not even Loki could locate her with his mind. Since she had hidden in England Lokia had managed to sneak back into Asgard and kill Frigga and gotten close enough to S.H.I.E.L.D. to kill agent Hill. Occasionally she’d go to different places to kill people to lead the Avengers off her trail. Now she was walking back to a warehouse basement she had been staying in to check on Damian, after multiple attempts to abandon him somewhere only to have Frost carry him back she’d given up so she tried getting rid of Frost but he came back and attacked her, in the end she had to kill him.

            When she go inside Lokia saw Damian walking around and trying to find a window, when he saw her his eyes widened and he tried to run over to a couch she’d managed to steal but tripped.

            “What did I tell you about leaving?” She hissed.

            “It’s bad.” He whimpered.


            Lokia went over to another room and unlocked the door before shutting it again, she found the syringe with her powers in it and started separating them from her blood, after that was done she went back out and grabbed Damian’s arm. He started crying in fear but she ignored it and injected the powers into him, he started crying more before going quiet, when she let go of his arm it fell limply to his side.

            “Well that didn’t work… guess Tony won’t have to fight him after all.” Lokia muttered at she left the room again to find a place to dump Damian’s body.

            As soon as Lokia got outside she felt someone, Loki, break through the barriers in her mind, she screamed at the unexpected pain and struggled to get him out but not before he could find her location. Instead of continuing her search Lokia went back inside, if Loki was working with the Avengers then it wouldn’t be long until they showed up and she’d need to be prepared for when that happened. Lokia went inside but felt like something was wrong, she made her armor appear and took out a dagger before noticing what it was, Damian’s body was gone, she looked around thinking she was mistaken but something jumped her from behind. After shaking it off Lokia was able to turn around, she saw a wolf with the same fur color and eye color Damian had, it growled pathetically and stumbled over to her.

            What’s happening! Damian screamed the thought into her mind.

            “Damian calm down, it’s just your powers, you can control them.” Lokia told him, “Now picture what you want to look like and focus.”

            He stopped whimpering and froze before howling, it’s not working!

            “You’re not focusing or calming down.” She spat. Why do children have to be such idiots?

            After a few more moments of watching Damian try turning back she just used her magic to do it for him. He looked at her in fear but she just pushed him into a closet and shut the door.

            “Let me out!” He shouted.

            “Bad people are coming if they find you then you must attack them, kill them.” Lokia commanded.

            Damian paused before answering, “Okay…”

            Lokia smirked and made her scepter appear in her hand before waiting for the Avengers to show up. When they did Loki made shot at her with his scepter to distract her until the others could get inside. Tony flew off to find Damian with Natasha, leaving Loki, Thor, and Bruce to fight Lokia.

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