Chapter 6

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The next day Lokia woke up to the sound of Damian crying, she sat up and saw Frost run in the room and jumped onto the bed. How did he get in here? She thought. Lokia walked down the hall cautiously until she reached the bedroom she left Damian in, the door was cracked open and a shattering sound came from inside. She opened the door and saw a guy wearing a ski mask standing over Damian while holding a shard of glass; she turned into a lion and attacked them. The robber screamed as she clawed at their face, they backed away and Lokia lunged at them again making them fall out the window and snap their neck on the ground. Lokia turned human and picked up Damian and Frost. She teleported again, this time to Virginia Beach, and looked around until she found another house to stay in. After looking around Lokia realized no one had been living there for a while. Damian continued to cry so Lokia left him in the bedroom and made a leash appear on Frost, she left the house to find some food since the current house obviously didn’t have any.

            “Why didn’t I just let that burglar kill him?” She asked. “I could just leave him now though…”

            Frost growled and tugged on the leash pulling Lokia out of her thoughts, he continued to drag her after a bird, almost making her fall. She glared at the Frost who was still trying to catch the sea gull but Lokia yanked on the leash and dragged him across the sand and onto the boardwalk. People gave them odd looks but she ignored them until she got to a store. Lokia walked inside and made her scepter appear, the people started to panic and Lokia smirked before destroying the power box. While everyone was trying to figure out what was going on Lokia grabbed something Damian could eat and something for herself before teleporting back to the house.

            After some coaxing she got Damian to eat the applesauce and left the room to look around the house, she found a basement that looked like an old dog fighting ring, there were blood stains covering the walls and floors, heavy chains and collars, training equipment, and antibiotics for injured dogs. Looking around some more she found a dead raccoon, or what was left of one, and bones scattering the floor from various animals. Lokia looked at them in disgust, how could anyone just leave all this just laying down here?

            Frost started barking again and Lokia heard a jet landing outside, she ran upstairs and made her armor appear as Tony blasted his way through the wall.

            “Where is he? What did you do with my son?” Tony shouted.

            “He’s around.” Lokia replied coolly.

            “Tell me!”

            Lokia sighed and shot him across the room and into Clint who was leading the others inside. Kate flew in over them and punched Lokia threw the floor making her land on the bones and chains below. Kate flew down and landed beside her, she grabbed Lokia by her neck and threw her at the wall. Lokia got up unsteadily and shot the ceiling above Kate’s head causing it to bury her, Lokia ran back upstairs while pulling out some of the bones that had stabbed her. As soon as she made it upstairs Lokia was shot by Natasha and Tony; causing her to stumble into the wall.

            “Now where is Damian?” Bruce growled.

            “What have you been doing up here?” Lokia asked sarcastically.

            “You used magic to hide him!” Thor raged.

            “Not magic.”

            Frost growled and walked out of the hallway, his white fur was stained red with Clint’s blood. Lokia shot Tony and stabbed Thor while they were distracted and teleported with Frost to Damian. She saw Clint struggling to stand up and telepathically told Frost to finish him. Then once he stopped moving she teleported to England.

            “I can’t believe that coward! She ran away again!” Tony yelled as he stood back up.

            “We can find her again.” Bruce reminded him.

            “Guys… Clint’s dead.” Natasha said as she walked back out to them.

            “What about Kate?” Thor questioned.

            “I need your help, she’s buried under some rubble.”

            Thor followed her back to the basement and over to the pile of rubble, trying to ignore the dry bones cracking under his feet, he pushed some of the bigger chunks off until Natasha was able to drag Kate out. They carried her upstairs and into the jet.

            “How is she?” Tony asked.

            “She’ll be fine once she regains consciousness.” Bruce assured them.

            “I’ll kill Lokia once we find her, I swear it!”

            “That’s what you always saw but we can’t hurt her, she has Damian and could kill him if we try killing her.”

            “I don’t care anymore! I can’t take this!” Tony started to hyperventilate.

            “Tony, breath. You have to calm down and think.” Natasha said.

            He glared at them and stormed to the other side of the jet to cool off. Once they got to S.H.I.E.L.D. they took Kate to the medical wing and Tony left to work on his suits. Natasha reported to Fury about what happened and he started to pace around.

            “I hate to say this… but we might need Loki to help.” Fury muttered.

            “We can’t trust him.”

            “You can, he does not want to die. As long as we have the same goal he will help us.” Thor replied.

            “Bring him here but don’t take off his handcuffs.” Fury ordered.

            Thor came back with Loki a few minutes later and forced him to sit down in a chair.

            “You know I can sit down by myself.” Loki grumbled and glared at Thor.

            “We need your help.” Fury said but it sounded more like a command.

            “And why would I help you? A group of mortals?”

            “Lokia will kill you if you don’t help us catch her first.”

            “If she was going to kill me she could have when she escaped.”

            Fury glared at him with his eye but Loki didn’t even flinch. “it’s ether help us or get locked back up in that cell. And trust me that won’t keep Lokia out if she wants to kill you.”

            “Then what’s in it for me?”

            “Keeping your life.” Thor spoke up. “And possibly a second chance if Father allows it.”

            “…I’m in.” 

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