Chapter 8

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Lokia woke up chained to an operating table, she felt the pain from her wounds but when she tried screaming she couldn’t, Bruce and Kate walked in and saw her struggling to get free.

            “We stitched your mouth shut with some Asgardian threat, you won’t be able to break that.” Kate told her friend after a few moments of Lokia trying to speak.

            And what about Loki? Doesn’t he get punished as well? Lokia asked them telepathically.

            “Loki has escaped for now. And unless you want your mouth sewn shut longer you’ll help return Damian to normal.” Bruce told her.

            You’re lying! Everything that’s happening now is a lie!

            “Lokia… when did you go over the edge of sanity?” Kate sobbed.

            I never have… all this time I’ve been trying to save you from a worse fate.

            “And what could be worse than this. You killed almost every!”

            Ragnarök, I overheard someone whispering about it… the world’s going to end in a terrible way.

            “Lokia you’re no better than Loki, we can’t trust what you say.” Bruce replied. “Now get to work and fix what you did.”

            Lokia watched them leave the room and lock the door before examining the stuff around her, she knew they’d make good on their threats but also knew doing this wouldn’t change anything, so instead she just tried to forget about the blood pooling in her mouth until she was forced to swallow. She started working on the antidote once the others came back in and watched, after she was done they brought Damian in and she injected him with the antidote.

            Now remove the stitches!

            They checked Damian’s vitals and checked to make sure the powers were gone before handcuffing Lokia and leading her to a gas chamber.

            “Director’s orders… we don’t have a choice.” Kate whispered. “I am so sorry…”

            You lied! You deserve to be killed in a terrible way during Ragnarök! My only regret is that I won’t be able to kill you myself.

            They locked her in the room and started the machine; poisonous gas filled the room as she tried to stay on her feet while the gas threatened to kill her. A figure appeared in front of her and grabbed her wrists before teleporting out, after Lokia recovered from her choking fit she saw Loki walking down the golden halls of Asgard’s royal palace.

            Loki, you kept your side of the deal… I’m impressed.

            “Well you should have more faith in me, and if I recall what you told the others earlier you want to kill them at Ragnarök.” Loki turned around and cocked his head.

            You heard that but you didn’t help sooner! If you’re not careful I might strangle you right now!

            “I read your mind, not that there’s much left.”

            Just get these things off so I can actually speak.

            Loki led her to his room and had her sit in a chair before leaving and coming back with a scalpel. She jerked away when he tried to cut the thread with them and he glared at her.

            “I can’t get them off if you don’t hold still.” Loki hissed, “Now hold still and when I tap into your energy to hold up the spell then don’t fight me.”

            He started to try cutting through the magic thread again but it wouldn’t cut so he started chanting a spell under his breath to weaken the bonds, eventually he had to go into Lokia's mind and tap into he energy so he could continue without passing out. When he was done she coughed blood into her sleeve before starting to pass out, Loki left the room to get rid of the bloody string and scalpel, afterwards he went to the throne room and started to make his plan on how to finish off Midgard. 

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