Monster I Made

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Sequel to Kidnapped By the Avengers (and Loki)

Lokia paced around the cell, the golden walls seemed to close in on her the longer she stayed in there. It had only been a year since she’d been locked up and already she felt like she was going to die of boredom, but she wasn’t idle, while Loki read in a cell across from hers she planned how to break free and get revenge on the Avengers and the Asgardians for locking her up. When she got out no one, not even Loki, would be safe.

            She had learned that she could use her powers inside the cell but couldn’t make her telepathy reach outside of it. Thor had stopped coming to see them but Frigga would visit Loki occasionally. When she did Lokia would get a bitter taste in her mouth, she would feel jealousy well up inside of her followed by hatred for herself for feeling jealous and for Frigga for coming in when ever she wanted and Loki for not being angry at her for locking him up. She tried to keep her emotions in check so she wouldn’t give anything away but it got hard when guards would come by with more prisoners wearing smug looks on their faces like they were the ones who had captured them. Lokia knew it was Thor though, he was always gone according to what she’d overheard from Frigga or passing guards.

            “Here I thought you’d like some entertainment.” Lokia looked up, shaken from her thoughts.

            Frigga placed a book on a table but she ignored it and worked on covering up her surprise that the queen even remembered she was here, and her annoyance that she couldn’t kill her right now in front of all the guards outside although they wouldn’t have been able to do anything about it in time.

            “Thanks.” She muttered her response but Frigga had already disappeared, the one privilege of being a royal, you could use your powers to escape these cages.

            Sighing Lokia picked up the book and opened it; not even bothering to look at the title, when she did a note came out.

            I know what you’re planning, don’t make it worse for yourself.

            When she looked up she notice Loki watching her, gauging her reaction she guessed. Lokia glanced at the book and saw it was one he had been reading the other day then she paused. How did he know what I was planning?

            She looked at him again but he was busy reading another book, completely ignoring the world around him. Lokia pretended to read as she made the final adjustments to her plan, everything had its limits so she’d just use all the power she had and aim it at the golden energy that trapped her here, when that broke everyone better start running. And she already knew exactly when she’d attack, midnight, the guards changed shifts then and plus the dark would hide her escape. There wasn’t a clock to tell time but she’d learned to keep track by the faint light that filtered in through the stair way and Frigga’s visits. Their stupidity will be their downfall… she thought as she drifted off. 

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