Chapter 3

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The pizza showed up fifteen minutes later, Tony answered the door and let the disguised agent inside so they could see where Lokia was. When she saw the pizza guy she immediately realized they were a fake but she acted normal so Tony wouldn’t get suspicious.

            “I’ll be right back with your tip.” Tony lied as he went to get his suit.

            The agent nodded and sat the pizza on the coffee table. Lokia noticed a knife hidden up his sleeve and a gun in his pocket, knowing S.H.I.E.L.D. there was probably more agents surrounding the place as well.

            “Okay I’m ba…” Tony trailed off when he saw Lokia steal the agent’s knife and use it to slice open their neck.

            “You didn’t think I’d fall for that trick did you?”

            “Lokia you have to understand… after what happened… I ha-”

            “You had to what? Call S.H.I.E.L.D.? Of course you did.” Lokia spat.

            “I can’t trust you.”

            “No one should. I didn’t want to do this yet but you gave me no choice! Say goodbye to Pepper!”

            Tony watched as she teleported and flew out to find the other agents and inform them about what happened. He went to the Helicarrier and Fury called in the others so they could develop a plan and make sure they were safe. They arrived an hour later on one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. jets and went into the conference room.

            “What’s this about Lokia being back?” Bruce asked.

            “A few hours ago Lokia showed up at Stark’s place, we sent some agents there to capture her but she escaped.” Fury informed them.

            “Is Loki here too?” Clint growled.

            “No, I checked he is still in Asgard’s dungeons.” Thor replied. “We were searching Asgard for Lokia when Heimdall informed me of what happened here.”

            “Well there’s some good news right? We only have to deal with one psychopath.” Natasha stated.

            “Loki said her goal is to kill us and him.”

            “Isn’t he a liar though?” Kate reminded them.

            “Yes but judging by Lokia’s attack I think we should trust what he says this time.”

            “Then let’s make a plan. Where is he going to strike next?” Clint asked as he took control of the situation.

            “She’s going to kill Pepper!” Tony nearly shouted. “She’s at my old house, Fury already sent agents there… they haven’t come back…”

            “We should still go there.”

            Lokia teleported to Tony’s old house, she had planned to kill his fiancée later after making her watch him die slowly but now it was too late. She had to kill her before Tony could stop her. Lokia found Pepper reading on the couch and made a dagger appear in her hand, Pepper noticed her and screamed. She backed towards the kitchen to look for something to defend herself with but Lokia appeared behind her and stabbed her in the shoulder.

            “Now, now, don’t make this too easy.” Lokia sneered. “You know, Tony will never get here in time to save you.”

            “W… what have you done to him?” Pepper demanded.

            “Nothing… yet.”

            She yanked the dagger out of Peppers shoulder and prepared to stab her again but was hit in the side of the head with a book. Lokia backed up and glared at her before stabbing her again, this time in the side, barely missing her organs. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents showed up and aimed their guns at her but didn’t fire incase they hit Pepper, Lokia quickly killed them then went back to look for Pepper. She saw her grabbing a large knife from a drawer and smirked.

            “You really think you can kill me don’t you?” Lokia shook her head, still smiling. “You are pathetic.”

            Tired of playing around, Lokia sliced open Pepper’s throat and gutted her. She left the body where the Avengers would find her; if agents were already here then they wouldn’t be too far behind. She looked around for a paint brush and started to write something using her victims’ blood, when she heard a jet landing she went invisible so she could watch the show unfold.  

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