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The jeons family were done eating breakfast,mr and mrs jeon were planning to leave to their various work place but had to stay behind,since their son wanted to talk ...

He had told them earlier before breakfast that he wants to discuss something with them,but his father told him not to worry,they will listen after here they are...

Son,you said you have something to say,mr jeon said pushing the last plate on the table to the maid who was clearing the table wanting to do the dishes..

Yes dad...actually,I want to make a two requests..

Go ahead,Mr jeon said wanting him to proceed....

Dad,please can Dal-ssi return back to working at your office...

But he has a job as your driver,Mr Jeon said confused..

I don't want him to drive me anymore..Jungkook said looking from his dad to his mom..

Why?,did he do anything to you...his mom asked worried..

No,not at all mom,I just don't need him to drive me anymore,I can drive myself,please can you do that for me...Jungkook asked,looking at his dad with pleading eyes..

Sure son,I will do that for you don't worry...

Jungkook smiled at his dad muttering a thanks dad...

So,what Is the second request..Mr jeon asked,hoping it something he could do...

Me,yoongi hyung and hoseok hyung came up with an idea,for our own benefits....

And what's that,Mr jeon asked.

Our houses are far from school,so we thought of getting an apartment close to school...

Awwwn,i thought you said you missed me,and wants to stay with me...mrs jeon said faking sadness..

Yes mom,I do want to stay with you,besides I will be staying very close to home,I will always come to check on you...Jungkook said looking at his mom..

You promise to come always right...

Yes mom,I promise...

And I can come check on you whenever I want to..

Sure mom,am ur son after all...he said smiling at his mom...

My son needs privacy,never imagined this day would came..Mr jeon said teasingly...

Stop teasing dad,I just want to be close to school...

If you say so son,so how do you plan on getting it..

We planned to go search ourselves after school today...

Thats good then,let me no if you need anything,ok?....Mr jeon said getting up from his seat,wanting to grab his office bag,preparing to leave..

Ok..jungkook said also getting up,grabbing his backpack to leave for school...

I will be leaving now,Jungkook said as he hugged and peck his parents before heading for the door....

Hope you took your milk,his mom shouted after him..

Yes mom,I did,byeeeee...


He drove to the Min's since it is the closest,then to the Jung's ...

It was his turn to pick his friends up for school..they drove to school,talking about random things on their way until they arrived at their school...they went straight to their lecture room ready for their morning lecture.....the lecture was smooth and before they knew it,it was over...

MY ETERNAL(taekook)√ (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now