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Jungkook as usual woke up to the side of his bed empty,he smiled already imagining his husband on apron in the kitchen making breakfast..ever since they came back from their honey moon,taehyung has taken it upon himself to wake up early and make breakfast for his husband...he learnt that from his eomma..

Not wanting to stress his baby more,he got up from bed,smiled when he saw his clothes neatly arranged at the side of the bed where taehyung had gotten up from...he does that too every morning,pick out his husband's wears for the day..

He got into the bathroom,brush his teeth,took his bath,do his normal morning routine...once he was done,he oiled his body,wore his picked cloth then styled his hair not forgetting to spray a little amount of perfume on his cloth...his husband loves the scent...

You're awake....he heard the soothing voice of his husband...

Yes,about coming down to you...he said with a smile then opened his hand for a hug...

Good morning love...taehyung said then hugged his husband,resting his head on his husband firm chest...

Morning baby,how was your night...


Did you sleep well...

Of course with you by my side...he smiled then smuggled closer to his husband chest..

This smell is weird...taehyung said raising his head from his husband chest,scrunching his nose in a disliking manner...

What smelled...the ravenette was confused..

Your pef,it smells weird..I don't like it..

Hey babe,you love it,I know..

Yea I guess...the now ravenette said...he was confused to as to why something he loves a lot was now smelling weird to him..

Am glad you woke up early and that to on your own,you don't have to sleep like a dead soul all the time.....

What?,I sleep like a dead soul...jungkook said feigning anger...

Hm...taehyung simply answered then left for the bathroom...

I would be right back,let me shower...

Should I come help you..

I have hands darling...and with that he shut the door...

Few minute later he was out...he saw his husband sitting on the side of the bed operating his phone...

What did you cook babe...jungkook asked immediately sensing the other was out...

When you get down stairs you will know...


Stop whining,you're not a baby....

But I am your baby....the ravenette said then move closer to his husband..

Wrapped his arm around his waist..he was still in his bathroom robe...

I feel uneasy kook,I feel like vomiting,your pef smells...

Smells...jungkook asked in disbelieve,he pulled his clothe up to his nose and it was scenting nice...what wrong with his husband today...

Baby,are you feeling sick or something...

Hmm,just a little weak...

Any other thing...


We should go see the doctor....jungkook suggested..he didn't want anything happening to his husband..

No am fine...made a plan with jimin today..

Yes,will drop you at jimin's after that..

Kook,am fine really,just weak that happens to everyone..

Are you sure,jungkook asked though not convinced..

Yes,so let me dress so we could eat...

Jungkook left the other to dress peacefully,his baby wasn't as lively as other days...on those days he would have fucked him hard seeing him on bath robe but today wasn't...

When he finished they went down stairs,ate their food peacefully with a little conversation in between...

Minutes later as promised jungkook drove him to jimin's....kissed him goodbye and asked him to take care of himself..also to call if he feels strange...which the other nods also asking his husband to take care too..they departed with a kiss...


Tae,you look sick....

Jimin said immediately they got home...jimin and yoongi were preparing for their baby,they got a surrogate deal  ...

So jimin and taehyung went shopping for the min's baby,....

He didn't even get all he wanted because he noticed how the other was behaving..he wasn't in his full energy...

I felt weak this morning but now I feel worst..should have listen to kook...

You didn't tell me anything Tae,would have stayed home instead of going through this stress...

It fine,didn't know I would get this worst...

Should I call jungkook,jimin asked worriedly..

No I don't want to stress him,he's stress with work already...

Should we go to the hospital then...

Yeah,I think I need to...taehyung said weakly..he didn't want to bother his husband...

After a short drive they arrived at their private hospital,they went straight to the doctor office who attend to them immediately...he did a series of check on taehyung and asked them to wait for some minutes so he could get the result and know what to do after that...

He came back with a piece of paper in his hand,he was smiling which was kind of weird to the two humans sitting in his office...he sat down then placed the paper in front of taehyung..

Taehyung took it but couldn't understand what was written...

Congratulations Mr're 2weeks pregnant...

A serious of what was heard..

Yes,you're pregnant,congratulations again..

Taehyung stiffed,he knew there was probability of him getting pregnant but didn't expect it to be true...his eomma was a lucky man,he wasn't expecting himself to be....

Oh my God Tae,you are carrying a little jeon...jimin screamed out of joy...

The ravenette couldn't form a word,instead a placed his hand on his tummy then a single tear slipped out of his eye...

His best friend pulled him into a hug,tears streaming down is face...both were crying,the cry of joy...

Please Doctor Suho don't tell my husband,I would like to tell him myself...taehyung said smiling at the doctor who was also smiling at him..

Sure,my lips are sealed...

Thank you...

Note:ok,I said in the other chapter,just one chapter left but I think I have to write another one...can't end this story more chapter to go...thank you


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