Chapter Twenty

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(Charli's Point of View)

I get an A on an exam in one of my harder classes so Piper takes me out to lunch to celebrate. She lets me choose the restaurant and I pick a place downtown with to-die-for sandwiches. We're seated near the wall and when we sit I look around at the contemporary decor. Coming here is always nice because everything feels cool and upscale even though the menu is reasonably priced.

Piper and I start chatting about our classes and the conversation is light until the waiter brings us our drinks. That's when Piper dives into the deep end.

"So..." She starts. "How's CJ?"

"CJ is fine."

"Has anything changed?"

I shake my head. "No."

When I told Piper about my fight with CJ she was completely on my side. She said I deserve to know what I'm getting into and that honesty is really important in a relationship, but when I went to her a few days later with thoughts of forgiving CJ she supported me then too.

"It's not ideal," she had said, while we sat on her couch. "But if I was in love with someone I would take what I could get. I mean he treats you well and everything. In the end, it's up to you if you want to risk it."

I had to agree with Piper. I'll take what I can get.

"How are you holding up?" She asks with concerned eyes.

"I'm pretending nothing is happening and that everything is fine."

A smile slips onto Piper's face. "That's one way of dealing with things." She rests her folded hands on the table. "I have news about the prince."

"What news?" I ask, resting my chin in my hand, elbow propped up on the table.

"He hasn't been flirting with me. Like at all."


"Seriously. He just makes casual conversation, like we're buddies or something."

"That's good."

The corner of her lip tugs down into a frown.

"That's what you wanted, right?" I ask.

She lifts one shoulder in a shrug. "Yeah, I guess. I don't know. I almost kind of miss it."

"Piper has a crush," I sing, grinning.

"I do not."

The bashful look on her face gives her away.

"What are the chances of you dating a prince?" I mockingly stroke my chin as I ponder.

"Zero," she deadpans.

I lower my hand and smile. "I think it's closer to ninety percent."

"Zero point zero, zero, zero, squared."

"You're going to date a prince and random girls across the country will tape your picture to a dartboard and go at it."

Piper rolls her eyes. "I don't think he's even interested anymore."

"But if he was?"

She shakes her head. "No way. No, thank you. I'll stay far away from all of that attention."

"Fair enough."

The waiter drops off our food and we dig in, lapsing into silence for a few minutes while we eat.

"I'm not sure he was ever really interested," Piper says. "I think he's just not used to getting turned down. He probably just liked the challenge."

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