Eight; See You At The Feast

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╔══════ ∘◦ ♔ ◦∘ ══════╗See You At The Feast╚══════ ∘◦ ♔ ◦∘ ══════╝

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See You At The Feast
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     Lynette knocked on Arthur's chamber door, and with a grunt of approval to enter, she opened the door. His room was in a state of disrepair, with clothes strewn around his bed and piles upon piles of paper stacked on his desk. Lynette hadn't seen Arthur's chambers like this before Merlin, but her chambers were similar due to her cousin. She knew Merlin was disorganized but didn't think it would reach this level.

     "Has Merlin been today?"

     Arthur waved her off, "Don't blame him. I'm the one that created this mess."

     "I gathered as much." She replied.

     Lynette walked forward until she was standing in front of the royal prince. The man was hunched over a set of documents, looking more tired than she had seen him. Arthur glanced up at her, stood, and embraced her tightly. The girl stood still, taking in what was happening and feeling slightly confused. She thought she had been called to check the Prince's health. Perhaps he had been injured, but this was not what she had expected.

     She pushed away to look into his deep blue gaze, "What is it?"

     "I have something for you." Arthur took her hand and guided her over to his desk. "I thought it had been stolen, so I had to toss my chambers."

     Lynette looked down, and in his hand was a pale yellow ribbon made of the finest silk. She reached out to trace the light pattern, feeling Arthur stiffen at her touch. The blonde gently took the fabric into her hands and held it close to her chest. She feared a light breeze would take the material and make it disappear, but Arthur blocked the wind from reaching them. His shadow engulfed her as she looked back up at him, confused at the gift.

     "It was my mothers," Arthur began, gulping and nervously fidgeting with the other end of the ribbon. "It's one of the few possessions I have of her. It's part of her dress for her coronation as Queen of Camelot. I recognized the fabric of the ribbon you gave me. It's from a dress you used to wear when we were children."

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