Five; Creep

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╔══════ ∘◦ ♔ ◦∘ ══════╗Creep╚══════ ∘◦ ♔ ◦∘ ══════╝

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Arthur and Lynette reached the training grounds slowly, greeting those who passed. Lynette noticed the looks from some knights, but most were welcoming, having seen them together. Arthur spoke of all the tournaments that had come to pass, his nerves subsiding with the blonde beside him. Lynette commented that she could not remember when Arthur had lost one, but he had almost lost his life to one.

When Arthur first began participating in the annual melees and jousts at the young age of twelve. Arthur had become cocky after winning five rounds with ease against larger opponents. She remembered pleading with him to be careful and to calculate each attack. Lynette and Morgana's concerns had fallen upon deaf ears as he charged head-on into the next match. 

In the end, Arthur lets his ego get the best of him, with Lynette unable to help him. As a result, the prince was severely injured by one of the senior knights. The match had been deemed a tie as Arthur had landed a significant blow himself, but not large enough to win him the title of champion that year. Arthur had been devastated, and Lynette was even more so to see him in such a state.

Since that fateful day, Lynette couldn't help her worry for the prince. Every day he would risk his life to prove a point, even when nothing was left to prove. She doubted today would be different as they entered Arthur's designated tent. Merlin waited patiently for them, with all the armor laid out perfectly. He gave the pair a cheeky look but stopped instantly when Lynette raised her eyebrow.

"For your sake, this better be quick," Arthur stated as he held his arms out, waiting for the first article of clothing.

Lynette stood to the side to give Merlin space to prepare Arthur for the tournament. She sat on one of the barrels of water meant for the competitors, watching the boys begin. She was glad to see Gwen's lessons had come in handy, even if he was slow. Lynette observed as Merlin started to wrestle with a particular piece of armor on Arthur's lower arm, causing the prince to become stressed.

"You do know the tournament starts today?" Arthur asked in an annoyed tone.

"Yes, sire," Merlin answered, struggling again on a different piece of armor. "Are you nervous?"

Arthur looked over to Lynette, who tried to stifle her laugh with a cough. It appeared the prince was not so good at hiding his emotions from his servant either. Lynette knew all too well how observant Merlin could be, and it didn't surprise her that he would notice his agitation. Despite how rudely Arthur spoke to Merlin and how Merlin mocked him in private, they did care about each other's well-being. They were just too stubborn to admit it out loud.

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