Chapter 4

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"Jessica? Ah come on. Jess? Buddy?" Mike calls.

Mike tries to pull the handle off an old tractor.

"You in there?" Mike asks jokingly.

A mask suddenly appears in front of Mike's face.

"Ahh! Whoa! Christ! That scared the blue outta my jeans. The hell is that doing in there anyway?" Chris asks shocked.

"Mike? I heard you scream." I say jumping out of a tree.

"Yeah just a stupid mask. Why were you in the tree? Where's your clothes?" Mike asks me taking his jacket off and handing it to me.

"Oh I like traveling in the trees it's faster. Thanks." I say and put his jacket on.

It goes down to below my thighs.

"Cute. Um I'm looking for Jess. She climbed over the tree back there and now she's gone." Mike explains.

"I'll help you look." I say happily.

We start walking around trying to find Jess.

"Jess?" I call.

I walk past a tree and I'm yanked behind it. I turn around to see Jess. She gestures for me to be quiet and I nod.

"Lets scare Mike." She says holding up two pairs of antlers.

"Okay." I say and take one of them.

"Jess? Hon? Bestie? I totally promise I won't murder you when I find you." We hear Mike say.

Jess and I pop out and scream at Mike while holding antlers. Mike screams loudly and we both buckle over in laughter.

"Oh my god!" Jess exclaims while laughing.

"That was amazing!" I exclaim and high five Jess.

"Oh my... no!" Mike exclaims not amused.

"Haha! That was so good!" Jess says still laughing.

"Not... no!" Mike exclaims.

"Wait wait wait you have to see this... you have-." Jess says and grabs her phone out of the snow.

"I'm not seeing anyth--no! No!" Mike yells covering his eyes.

"Look, no no no. Mike! Haha!" Jess says and bursts out laughing again.

"You recorded that?" Mike asks in disbelief.

"Look at your face!" Jess exclaims laughing.

"I was scared, Jess! You can't just jump out at somebody! I'm in the middle of the woods, it's scary!" Mike yells angrily.

"I'm sorry did I scare you?" Jess asks innocently.

"Come on Mike. It was funny." I say chuckling.

"I- If you send that to anybody..." Mike says threateningly.

"You'll what?" Jess asks holding her phone.

"I'm... gonna... kill ya." Mike mutters.

"Oh please there are squirrels scarier than you in this forest." I say patting Mike's shoulder.

"I didn't know you had such a cute little lady-like scream, Michael. Guess you never really know someone unless you scare the pants off 'em!" Jess exclaims.

"As far as I can tell my pants are still on." Mike says with a smirk.

"Oh, is that so?" Jess asks.

"Yeah. Looks like you'll have to try harder." Mike says smirking.

"Oh you're on Mikey." I say happily.

"A challenge 'ey? Well I hope you're strapped in, cause you're about to feel the full force of my mind melting thrill skills." Jess says teasingly.

"Come on guys." I say and we continue walking.

We walk across a bridge near a waterfall.

"Waaaaaoooow... it's kind of like a real winter wonderland out here now..." Jess mutters.

"Haha yeah this is my favorite place to swim. Wanna take a quick swim?" I ask them curiously.

"No thanks. It's way too cold." Jess says.

"How about a bet then?" I ask with a smile.

"Oh I'm down." Mike says happily.

"I bet that I can swim from the waterfall and back without coming up for breath." I say confidently.

"You're crazy." Jess mutters.

"I'll take that bet. If I win you have to make out with me." Mike says cockily.

"Okay if I win you have to let Jess show that video to everyone else." I say with a smirk.

"Deal!" Mike exclaims and we shake hands.

I pull off all my clothes leaving me in my underwear.

"Damn." Mike says staring at me.

"Double damn." Jess mutters.

I stand up on the edge of the bridge. Mike slaps my ass and I fall off the bridge. I plunge into the icy cold water and start to swim.

"Oh my god!" Jess exclaims looking over the edge.

I swim to the waterfall and then back to the bridge. I surface and pull myself up onto the bridge.

"I win." I say happily.

My lips are blue and I start to shake a little but I ignore it.

"You're crazy." Jess says and helps me get my clothes back on but I hand Mike his jacket back.

"Yeah I know." I mutter looking around.

I take a deep breath of the cold air and smell blood.

"Hey guys. You keep going to the cabin I'll meet up with you later." I say to Mike and Jess.

"Stay safe." Mike says and they wave goodbye.

I start to head back to the lodge. I jump through the trees and I see Matt and Emily. I stop and jump down in front of them. Emily screams and Matt goes to punch me but I duck.

"Woah it's just me guys." I say standing up.

"Jesus." Matt mutters.

He notices me slightly shaking and my blue lips.

"Ugh." Emily groans staring at me.

"You must be freezing. Here take my letter jacket." Matt says taking his jacket off and helping me put it on.

Emily rolls her eyes.

"Wow I love your jacket. It's super comfortable." I mutter happily.

"Thanks it's handmade. It's my favorite piece of clothing so don't mess it up. I think you'll take good care of it tho. It's even got leather lettering." Matt rambles on with a blush and he looks away with a dorky smile.

"Come on Matt. We need to find my bag." Emily says snobbishly.

"Em come on she's alone." Matt says gesturing to me.

"I'll be fine. I'm actually heading back to the lodge." I explain.

"Oh, well you can wear my jacket. I'll see you later. Hopefully alone." Matt says with an awkward chuckle.

"Bye Matt. Bye Emily." I say and walk off towards the lodge.

I enter the lodge and see Chris laying on the floor.

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