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"The old man... I, er... I don't know how to describe him I mean-." Chris gets cut off.

"You said you thought he was stalking you at first- did anyone else in your group think that?" The Interviewer asks.

"Well yeah." Chris mutters.

"Is it possible they could have killed him?" The Interviewer asks.

"What? No, no you don't understand. Don't you underst-." Chris is cut off again.

"If he attacked you-." Chris cuts the Interviewer off.

"He saved my life. And I watched him die." Chris says with a small glare.

"And who is this girl that you found on the mountain. Could she be responsible for all of this?" The Interviewer asks.

"What? No! She saved all of us multiple times. She's lived on the mountain for as long as she can remember. She sacrificed herself to save us." Chris says angrily.

"And Josh?" The Interviewer asks.

"What about him?" Chris asks and starts to cry.

"We haven't recovered his body." The Interviewer explains.

"The Wendigo." Chris mutters while composing himself.

"What?" The Interviewer asks.

"It's the only thing that makes sense. The Wendigo took him down into the mines." Chris explains.


"I couldn't move... I was so scared. And luckily Skye came and opened the door." Ashley mutters.

"I heard Jessica. I don't know how or why she was down there, but I know I heard her." Ashley mutters.

"I- I stabbed him and I tried to get away but I didn't know, I swear I didn't know!" Ashley exclaims.

"Didn't know...? Who did you stab?" The Interviewer asks.

"Oh I-I stabbed the maniac, I didn't know it was Josh, but then he was the Psycho and how was I supposed to know Josh had all the saws and the gun and oh my god." Ashley mutters.

"Do you think Skye could have done all of this? She did just show up out of nowhere." The Interviewer says.

"No, she's so nice. Plus, Josh said he's noticed her on the mountain before. She sacrificed herself for us. A killer wouldn't do that." Ashley explains.

"And Josh?" The Interviewer asks.

"The Wendigo... it has to be..." Ashley mutters.

"What?" The Interviewer asks.

"The monster... it took him down into the mines where it lives, and Sam and Mike... They went to go find him, and we were going to meet back at the lodge." Ashely explains.


"He held it right up to my face... right here - right in front of my nose and he could have shot me, he almost shot me, the prick! I mean you go out with a guy for however long and you think you know him, but man, this one really takes the cake." Emily explains angrily.

"You bringing in Meatbrain next? Gonna kick him around a bit for me?" Emily asks.

"I'm sorry?" The Interviewer asks.

"Meatbrain? Mister Musclebrawn? Matt the incredible sulk?" Emily asks rudely.

"Is there something we need to know?" The Interviewer asks.

The Girl With the Wendigos Where stories live. Discover now