Chapter 13

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Sam climbs to a higher ledge of the rock wall. She looks up to see the final portion of the wall she has yet to climb. I climb ahead of her easily and fast. I jump up and climb over an overhang. Sam launches herself up and grabs the overhang. Sam keeps hold of the overhang. Sam sets her foot on top of the overhang.

"Ugh... Come on..." Sam mutters.

Sam makes it to the top.

"Almost there." I mutter.

We climb up the wall and a fresh breeze hits us.

"Finally!" I exclaim happily.

We make our way back, through intersecting paths meeting together at a lake. Sam drops down into the lake and shrieks from the cold. I drop in after her. While wading to the other end of the lake, Sam stops when she hears a loud noise. She climbs out and shakes herself off. I quickly follow her. Sam continues walking to a high ledge, where she slides down but lands hard on the ground on her stomach. I slide down after her but land on my side. I groan when I feel a sharp pain in my leg. Sam helps me up and we walk past the shed, where we hear a loud Wendigo noise. She breaks off into a sprint and I quickly follow her. Sam ducks under the tree log while running.

"Shit!" Sam exclaims.

Sam stops to scope out her area, but then continues running. She jumps down a ledge and runs. I jump down the same ledge and keep running. Sam jumps over a broken jar while she is running. I jump over it too and we arrive at the lodge and desperately try to open the door.

"HEY! HEY!!!!! COME ON OPEN UP!!!! GUYS COME ON ARE YOU IN THERE?? LET ME IN!!!" Sam yells loudly.

"Come on!" I yell angrily.

"Skye...Sam..." Mike mutters.

"Ah!" Sam exclaims.

We turn around to see Mike.

"Shit, Mike! Oh gosh you look terrible." Sam says worriedly.

"Gonna look worse if we stay out here... come on!" Mike exclaims.

I use my elbow and I break the glass. I reach my hand in the hole and unlock the door from inside. We quickly go inside the lodge.

"Okay... Mike... w-what happened to Josh?" Sam asks worriedly.

"It got him." Mike mutters.

"Ohhh god, what an awful way to go..." Sam mutters.

"Did you see it kill him?" I ask.

"No." Mike mutters.

Sam turns the light on but Mike turns it back off.

"Not good." Mike says.

"What do you think we should do?" Sam asks.

"We should check the basement... might be someone left down there..." Mike mutters.

We go down to the cinema room on our way to the basement.

"How do you rate our chances of survival?" Sam asks.

"I'm trying not to think about it." Mike mutters.

"We will be fine." I say while following them.

"GET OUTTA HERE GO GO GO!!!" Chris yells and runs out of the basement.

"GO!! RUN!!" Ashley yells at us.

Emily pushes Ashley while she is running.

"GO GO WE GOTTA GO!!" Emily yells and runs out of the basement before Ashley.

A Wendigo appears in the hallway and Ashley runs past us.

"RUN!!!" Mike yells.

Sam follows the others. I successfully lock the door and run away. The Wendigos try to break through the door. We all panic and quickly run up the stairs. Ashley, Emily, and Chris are standing still on the main floor. Mike does as well, staring at the Wendigo on the lodge's ceiling decoration. When Sam arrives, she also stays still. I come in behind Sam and quickly stop moving sensing the wendigo in the room.

"Don't... move... don't fucking move a muscle..." Mike mutters.

Sam stares at the Wendigo in fear. The wendigo snarls. Sam stays perfectly still and the Wendigo notices the other Wendigo's movements. Wendigo Hannah and another Wendigo battle. Wendigo Hannah overpowers the other Wendigo and throws him into the stairs, breaking them, and then to the fireplace, breaking a gas pipe in the process. Mike looks at the pipe. The Wendigo recovers and climbs up the wall, Wendigo Hannah following.

Mike looks at the leaking pipe, then at a light bulb, then back at the pipe, then to the light switch near the exit. Sam notices this and nods in agreement.

A Wendigo approaches Wendigo Hannah, who throws another Wendigo away. The Wendigo goes to the railing of the upper floor and both Wendigos jump at each other. Wendigo Hannah grabs the other Wendigo by the head and smashes him to the ground, then swiftly decapitates him. Sam slowly walks back, but the wood beneath her creaks. Wendigo Hannah screams at Sam's direction.

While Hannah approaches Sam, Mike slowly walks to the light bulb. Mike grunts as he squeezes the light bulb so it breaks. The Wendigo grabs his face violently and lacerates his abdomen. The Wendigo then throws him on a nearby pillar. Chris, Emily, and Ashley escape the lodge. Mike looks back. The Wendigo has turned her attention to Mike's direction.

"Hey!" Sam yells at the Wendigo.

The Wendigo screeches at Sam. Sam stays still and the Wendigo leaves Sam and has her back turned to Sam. Sam quickly makes it to a wall and hides. Wendigo Hannah takes notice of another Wendigo.

Sam quickly runs further to another wall. Wendigo Hannah sneaks up on her. Mike, at the exit of the lodge, slowly backs away but stays inside the lodge. Sam quickly sprints to the exit of the lodge. A Wendigo chases her. I tackle the Wendigo while Mike runs after Sam.

"Skye!" Sam yells.

"Go!" I yell while pinning the Wendigo down.

Sam flips the light switch.

Wendigo Hannah tackles me off the other Wendigo and stabs my arm. The lodge explodes into flames, killing the remaining Wendigo. Sam and Mike grunt as they are thrown back by the explosion. Everyone looks at the lodge in flames.

"We have visual. The main structure is completely destroyed, over." Pilot 1 says.

The spirits of the Wendigo flies around screeching.

"Hold on... I'm seeing something..." A pilot says.

"It looks like there are survivors. Let's pick 'em up." Pilot 1 says.

(So, this is the last official chapter. I'm so sad to see this story end.)

The Girl With the Wendigos Where stories live. Discover now