Chapter 11

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Mike locks the door behind us. I follow Mike up some stairs to a chapel.

"Ho-lee... shit." Mike mutters.

"I thought you've been here before." I say stepping over some rumble.

"I have. It's worse than before." Mike explains.

"Huh... what happened to the wolves?" Mike asks curiously.

"They're probably hiding." I mutter while looking through the door with Mike.

Mike walks up the stairs beside the Chapel and drops down a hole into a small room, grunting. Mike finds an unlit torch. I jump into the hole right behind Mike.

"Now I just need a pitchfork and a mob." Mike mutters.

Mike lightS the torch with his lighter and grabs a flashlight, some ammunition, and a Sawed-Off Shotgun. I find a revolver and another flashlight along with some more bullets and a small knife.

"Good enough." Mike mutters.

We find a Makeshift Graveyard.

"Holy Hell..." Mike mutters.

"That is not a good sign." I mutter with a shiver.

We continue to a locked door.

"Right..." Mike mutters.

Mike shoots the lock off the door with the gun, kicks the door open with a grunt, and encounters Wolfie.

"Wow." I mutter seeing the wolf.

Wolfie appears quietly from behind equipment.

"Hey big guy!" Mike exclaims and pets Wolfie.

"He's cute." I say and gently stroke his fur.

"I met him last time I was up here." Mike explains.

Mike pets Wolfie again and then stands up.

"Alright pal, you're comin' with us. Alright. Here's the plan. I happened to see a map of this place, so we're not flying blind. There should be a way into the psychiatric wing that'll take us right outside the mine. Think we can handle that? Couldn't have said it better myself. Atta boy." Mike says happily.

We start walking.

"So, Mike. I should've told you this earlier but I've only ever been near this place once. That's when I got attacked." I explain to Mike.

"By what?" Mike asks curiously.

"You'll find out soon. Just let's be careful." I mutter.

"Okay." Mike says and pats my shoulder reassuringly.

Wolfie runs ahead of us to guide us.

We traverse through a fenced outdoor path leading to another building of the Sanatorium with the Psychiatric Ward and a Restraining Area. Wolfie barks suddenly. I flinch and look around cautiously.

"Jesus Chri--- Okiedokie boy, calm down." Mike mutters.

Wolfie runs ahead of us.

"Wish I could move like you, wolfie, think we're stuck on this side." Mike says.

I find a lever to open a door and I pull it. The door behind us closes and the door we need to go through partially slides open.

"Awesome." Mike mutters and sends me a flirtatious smile.

I shimmy through the gap easily. Mike shimmies in through the gap, grunts as he uses his arms to push the door open a bit further.

"You see that? I do got moves. Don't I?" Mike asks.

The Girl With the Wendigos Where stories live. Discover now