Chapter 12

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"I was not prepared for how ugly that thing would be up close." Sam mutters with a shiver.

"Yeah..." Mike mutters back.

"You get used to it." I say while limping beside them.

"So I noticed something kind of weird about it..." Mike says.

"Uh... what?" Sam asks.

"The Wendigo- It had a scar." Mike explains.

"So?" Sam asks.

"I've seen it before." Mike says.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asks.

"I saw these old pictures of some guy with that same scar - and he was transforming into a Wendigo." Mike explains.

"You're kidding." Sam says in disbelief.

"It was one of those miners who'd been trapped, back in the 50s... in the cave-in. Which means that thing is 80 years old. At least." Mike explains.

"Did it say his name?" I ask Mike curiously.

"Uh...Jack Forester." Mike says.

"That was my grandpa." I say sadly.

"I'm sorry Skye." Sam says and pats my back reassuringly.

"They cleaned the place out... killed a lot of people." Mike mutters.

"They? You mean there're more of them?" Sam asks.

"Oh yeah." Mike says.

"How many?" Sam asks worried.

"Too many." Mike mutters.

"A whole mountain full." I say with a frown.

"I think we're close. To the lair." Sam says quietly.

"How can you tell?" Mike asks.

"I don't know... I just... feel really terrible all of a sudden." Sam mutters.

"Ditto." Mike mutters back.

"I really don't want to go in there..." Sam says.

"There's no other way through." Mike says.

"Is that what I think it is?" Sam asks looking at something.

"Shit... looks like a grave." Mike mutters.

I think back to me and Hannah burying Beth.

Sam shows a watch to me and Mike.

"Oh god... Mike... this is Beth's! This is her watch!" Sam exclaims.

"What? Let me see..." Mike mutters.

"Look - there was a cross here." Sam says inspecting the grave.

"So this is where she was buried." Mike says.

"But... who dug her up?" Sam asks.

"Let's keep moving." Mike says.

"Fine. I'm going in." Sam mutters.

Sam hesitates while Mike goes into the water. I go in after him and enjoy the cold water on my skin.

"Come on. It's okay." Mike says reassuringly to Sam.

"You sure...?" Sam asks.

"I'm not dead yet." Mike says.

"Famous last words." Sam mutters.

Sam follows us.

"It's freezing. I can't feel my fingers." Sam mutters.

The Girl With the Wendigos Where stories live. Discover now