Chapter 10

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Me and Mike enter the Great Room and see the group with Emily.

"Em! You made it!" Mike exclaims.

"Oh, god, Mike-." Emily mutters.

"Yeah, yeah, barely!" Chris exclaims.

I notice a bite mark on Emily.

"What about Matt?" Mike asks.

"We're trying to figure that out..." Ashley mutters.

"And there was this "monster" that was chasing her..." Chris explains.

"She's all messed up, guys. Emily? Hey, Em?" Mike asks.

A bang is heard from the back door of the lodge.

"Woah." Chris mutters.

"Who the fuck can that be?" Mike asks.

I start to get a bad feeling and I debate running.

"Josh?" Ashley suggests. 

"Jess?" Chris suggests.

"It's not Jess." Mike says coldly.

"Sorry man... but who is it?" Chris asks curiously.

"I don't know... We should check it out." Mike says. 

"I got your back." Chris mutters.

"I'll come too." I mutter. 

"Good." Mike says.

We make our way to the back door. Mike points the gun at the door in precaution.

"Okay. I'm gonna open the door. You ready? You ready?" Chris asks worriedly.

"Uh huh. Just do it already, whoever it is has probably gone by now." Mike says with a sigh.

"Unless you want me to take the gun." Chris suggests.

"No, no, no. I think that's less good. You do the door, I got the gun." Mike says.

Chris opens the door and is knocked over when the Stranger kicks the door open.

"Shit! Shit!" Chris exclaims.

"Ah! Ho-hold on there! Hold on there, mister." Mike says while pointing the gun at Jack.

Jake takes the gun off Mike.

"Freeze- Ahh! What the-- Alright, alright, just take it easy grandpa--." Mike mutters defeated.

"Ok. Everybody just calm down." Jack says.

He sees me and lunges for me. I jump over a counter and glare at him. He glares back and walks to the living room.

"Now just move over there. Go on, move! Let me say what I came to say. I'm here to tell you what you're up against being back on this mountain. You should never have returned. I don't know why you did after what happened last year." Jack says while staring at me.

I stay behind the couch ready to run. Jack drops his bag near the fireplace.

"You mean with Hannah and Beth?" Ashley asks.

"Yeeah, how could you know without being involved--." Chris mutters.

"Or responsible--?!" Sam accuses.

"You hold on to your horses. I don't take kindly to you kids coming up here to my mountain--." Jack mutters.

"Your mountain? I'm sure the Washingtons would be very surprised to hear that." Mike says while crossing his arms.

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