Chapter 8

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Me and Sam are crawling through a vent. Sam kicks the vent lid down before crawling out and looking around the Psycho's workshop. I crawl out behind her. We find Death Machine Plans.

"This is... this can't be right-" Sam mutters and hands me the paper.

"That's the machine Josh was in. Do you think he's still alive?" I ask hopefully.

"I don't know anymore." Sam mutters.

I find a Psychiatric Report.

"This is weird." I mutter handing the paper to Sam.

"Wha--" Sam mutters.

We find Josh's Cellphone. 

"What was that about?" Sam asks.

"I don't know but I do not like this." I mutter.

Sam finds a Remembrance Board.

"Ugh... creep city." Sam mutters.

We also find a Voice Recording.

"Ho-lee shit!" Sam exclaims.

"I'm starting to connect things now." I mutter.

I find a Video Camera.

"Hmm..." Sam mutters.

Sam finds a Dummy in her clothes.

"Jesus..." Sam mutters.

"That is beyond weird. Let's get out of here." I mutter.

As we walk past a wall grate to exit the room we're in, a hand reaches out of the grate and grabs my ankle. I gasp and we bend down to look through the grate, only to see Mike.

"Mike? You're okay!" I exclaim happily.

"Oh Mike, thank God you found us." Sam says thankfully.

"It's okay. You're okay." Mike says calming us down.

"Oh my God your fingers! Mike..!" Sam exclaims.

"That doesn't look good." I mutter.

"Yeah, and I'm the lucky one..." Mike mutters.

"Jesus... What happened?!" Sam asks worriedly.

"There's some fucking maniac up here on the mountain. He's-- he's trying to kill us all!" Mike exclaims.

"Listen, this guy who you're talking about... he attacked me. He showed me these videos, too, and one of them showed Josh being killed... just... ripped apart by this huge fucking sawblade..." Sam mutters.

"I was there when it happened. Well, close by. I was locked in a room." I mutter.

"Jesus Christ!" Mike exclaims.

"I think he's living down here, and whoever the hell he is, he's obsessed with Hannah and Beth!" Sam exclaims.

"He had a freaky board full of pictures and stuff of them." I explain.

"God damn." Mike says.

"But here is the crazy thing: I found these plans, like, blueprints for a crazy machine just like the one Josh was in, but it's fake... it was for a dummy." Sam explains.

"Sam, slow down..." Mike mutters.

"Josh might not be dead!" I exclaim.

"And Mike...we think...somehow Josh is involved in all of this-" Sam mutters.

"Wait... What? How?" Mike asks confused.

"I'm really not sure, but... there was a message from his doctor, and... it mentioned a "plan" that was like, a "bad idea," and now he's dead!" Sam exclaims.

"What the fuck is going on around here... There's a door here, it won't open. Can you unlock it from your side?" Mike asks us hopefully.

Sam grabs her backpack which is hanging on the doorknob, and we go outside to Mike's door. I remove a wooden plank across the door and open it.

"Hey..." Mike mutters and I hug him tightly.

He hugs me back and then I step away from him.

"Jeez. You look like hell." Sam mutters.

"Nice to see you too." Mike says with a smile.

Sam goes over to the other side of the room and puts her backpack down.

"What are you doing?" Mike asks confused.

"Well actually, the towel didn't turn out to be the best outfit for fighting off killer maniacs, you know? Do you mind? Mike?" Sam asks.

"Oh. Right. My bad." Mike mutters.

Mike turns around while Sam changes into another outfit.

"Here Skye. You must be freezing." Sam says and she hands me a hoodie and some black tights.

"Thanks." I mutter and quickly change into them.

"Okay. Done. Let's put this thing to bed." Sam says confidently.

"Amen to that." Mike mutters.

We walk out the door.

"Please!" Someone yells.

"I can't! I can't decide!" Another person yells.

"What was that?" Sam asks.

"It sounded like Chris and Ash." I say worriedly.

"Is that crying?" Mike asks.

We force the door across the room open. Ashley and Chris, on a table, look around. The Psycho approaches them.

"Noo! No no no! Get away!!!!" Ashley yells.

Chris shoots at the Psycho three times. The Psycho looks down at his chest to find nothing.

"Oh Chris... Oh, Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris." The Psycho mutters.

"What the fuck?!" Chris exclaims.

I watch the scene confused and run over to Ash and Chris trying to untie them.

"Oh you've heard of blanks before. I mean really?" The Psycho asks with an amused chuckle.

The Psycho takes off his mask and reveals himself to be Josh.

"Josh?" Chris asks shocked.

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