Chapter 1

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*flashback to a year ago*

It is a cold stormy night and I am just wandering around in the woods searching for something to eat. I come across the main lodge and see Jack watching them from a distance. I get curious and I climb up a tree to see what happens. After about ten minutes I see a girl who I recognize as Hannah run out of the house and into the woods.

"Huh? She might freeze." I mutter to myself.

Soon the group of people from the lodge is standing in front of the door.

"Hannah!" A blonde girl yells.

I see her sister Beth come running out of the house and she shoves Matt out of the way.

"What's going on? Where is my sister going?" Beth asks the group.

"Ugh, it's fine she just can't take a joke." Another girl says.

"It was just a prank, Han!" One girl yells.

"What did you do?" Beth asks angrily.

"We were just messing around Beth it wasn't serious." A tall guy says.

"You jerks!" Beth yells and runs after Hannah.

"That's not good." I mutter.

I see Jack run off and I decide to follow Beth. I quickly hop through the trees until I catch up with her. I see her jumping over stuff and she runs into a group of elks. She runs up to them and scares them off.

"This isn't good at all." I mutter while following her.

She jumps down from some rocks and pulls out a small device that emits a light.

"Weird." I mutter and silently follow her.

She walks for a little while and an elk rushes out and hits my tree. I lose my balance and fall out of the tree. Beth snaps her head over at me.

"Hello?" She asks.

I let out a small groan and stand up silently. I hide behind some bushes and watch as she picks up a totem.

"It's a death totem." I mutter.

She walks off and I climb up a tree again and continue to follow her. Jack notices me and shoots fire at me which causes me to jump ahead of Beth. I see Hannah and I see her crying in the snow. Beth shows up soon and gives Hannah her jacket. I hear a branch snap and I look over.

"Shit." I mutter as I see one of the Wendigos approaching Beth and Hannah.

They both get scared and start to run. I jump to the ground effectively scaring the Wendigo off. I chase after Hannah and Beth. Hannah falls but Beth helps her up and they keep running.

"Godamnit," I mutter and I keep chasing them.

I hear Jack running after me. They get to the edge of a cliff and I freeze. I take a left and start to climb down the cliff. I'm halfway down when I hear a scream.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I mutter and climb faster.

A few seconds after I reach the bottom I hear a loud scream and then two thuds.

The Girl With the Wendigos Where stories live. Discover now