Sam's Ending

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About a month after everything happened the police finally leave and I'm free to roam the mountain again. It's a snowy morning and I'm walking past the ruins of the lodge when I hear shrieking. I look to see Wendigo Hannah and Josh running towards me.

"Holy hell!" I exclaim and take off running towards the cable car station.

I run towards it and see a familiar face getting out of the cable car.

"Sam!" I yell and push her back into the car and I slam the door.

We fall in the floor and I'm pinning her down as Hannah and Josh angrily shake the cable car. I look down at her and she looks scared.

After a few minutes the shaking stop and they leave. I help Sam up and sit down on the bench. I let out a long breath I was holding in.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks worriedly.

"Yeah. Happens a lot now actually." I explain and wipe the side of my face.

My hands have blood on them and I can tell I have a deep gash.

"We all through you died. How'd you make it out?" Sam asks curiously.

"I'd love to tell you when we get somewhere safer. I say as the cable car shakes and starts going back down the mountain.

"Did someone else come with you?" I ask.

"No." Sam says nervously.

I pull a pistol out of the back of my pants and aim it at the door.

"Is that Josh's?" Sam asks.

"Found it in the barn." I explain.

The cable car comes to a halt and the door opens. No one is there.

"Stay close." I mutter and exit the cable car.

I check the whole station and find no one.

"That's strange." I mutter and put the gun away.

Suddenly I'm pulled into a small closet with Sam.

"Police." She mutters.

I nod and we wait for them to go away. We hear the cable car start back up the mountain and we leave the closet.

"My car isn't far. Come on." Sam says and she takes my hand.

We run for her car and get into it. Sam speeds off from the mountain.

"Thanks for coming back for me." I say with a smile.

"I knew you made it out." Sam says and flashes me a smile.

*Three years later*

Sam opens the door to find a trail of roses leading into the living room. She hesitantly follows them and finds me with candles and a bouquet of roses. I smile nervously.

"Hey Sammy. So I've been thinking and I think we should date. We've known each other for a while now and I think I'm in love with you." I say and look away from her.

Sam approaches me and takes the flowers.

"I think I'm in love with you too." Sam says and I cheer happily.

I plant a kiss on her lips and she chuckles.

"How did you set all of this up?" Sam asks curiously.

"Oh Mike helped me." I explain.

"Makes sense. Come on let's watch a movie." Sam says and pulls me down onto the couch.

*Four years later*

Sam has been acting strange this past week and she won't tell me what's wrong. I'm pacing around the kitchen waiting on her to get home since it's out anniversary.

She walks in and sets her stuff down. She glances at me nervously.

"Skye." She mutters.

"Yes love?" I ask curiously.

"I wanted to do this at a better time and more romantically but I think this will suffice." Sam says and bends down on one knee.

"Wha-." I'm cut off my here talking.

"Skye Forester you have made these past few years of my life absolutely incredible. I am so glad I went back for you on that god forsaken mountain. I am hoping you will do my the honor of becoming my wife." Sam says with a nervous look and small blush.

"Sam. Of course. I would love to." I say happily.

She stands up excitedly and puts the ring on my finger.

"I love you so freaking much!" Sam exclaims and kisses me passionately.

I kiss her back just as passionately.

(Sam's ending was by far one of my favorites. Thanks for reading!!)

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