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"Is this yours?" Delilah looks at me in a questioning way

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"Is this yours?" Delilah looks at me in a questioning way.
"No." I simply tell her as I cross my arms in front of my chest and lean against the doorframe waiting for her to realize.
"Then whose is it then?" Come on angel. You're a smart one...
"It's yours." I answer her while pointing a finger to her. She looks so confused right now and it takes everything inside me to not burst out laughing.

"It's not mine. Mine looks different." Is she kidding? Is she really not getting what I want to tell or ask her?
"It can be." I say.
"What?" She seems to be dumbfounded of my words because she usually talks more around me.
"It is the key to my apartment. It can be yours if you want it to be." You can almost see her brain working on what I'm saying until realization hits her.

"You mean you want me to move in with you?"
"It can be whatever you want it to mean. My main thought was you moving in with me because you are always at my place since we got back from spain and I just like you being around me but if you think it's too soon for that you can also just use it to-"

I get cut off again. I usually don't like being cut off while talking but her way of shutting me up seems that I'm starting to like it. She kisses me. With a kiss filled with so much joy and happiness.
"I want to move in with you. But only because of Tiago. And I am decorating the place."

She looks at the key in her hand and then slowly moves it away, to look up at me with a concerned expression. "That means that we have to tell Ben about us..." I understand her worries and I totally understand her being scared of his reaction. I am too.

"It was obvious that he had to find out one day, angel. But we've got this, okay?" I ask her while holding her face in my hands for her to look at me. Del gives me a little nod, gets on her tiptoes and kisses me again. "When are we starting then?" She asks me through kisses. "Anytime..."

Her answer was to get boxes and then head straight to her apartment. She really loves her place so it surprised me that she is giving up on it just like that. It also makes me really fucking happy.

We were at her apartment in not even an hour and started to pack everything up. That woman has a lot of clothes, let me tell you that.

We argued about the bigger furniture and what we are going to do about it because we didn't need a second bed or sofa. We agreed that we are keeping her sofa and are selling her bed and my sofa. Because hers was prettier...

The evening went by in a rush and we have already packed up the most necessary things. We're laying on her sofa now cuddling and watching TV. Because of our little hookup session a few minutes ago, she's only in her panties and my shirt while I'm in a pair of sweatpants that I left at her place a few weeks ago.

We get thrown out of our thoughts by a knock at her front door. "I'll get it." she says as she gets out of my grip and walks to the door. I see her face expression change to panic and before I can ask her what's wring, she slams the door shut again. "Shit, shit, shit..." she says under her breath as she takes a deep one and then opens the door slowly. 

"What are you doing here?" She asks the person. "Can't I visit my sister? What's the matter with you?" Oh no. Ben's here. What do I do? But it's already too late. Ben is in the apartment a second later, looks around the place and then spots me with our clothes on the ground right next to me.

"Oh god.." he says as he closes his eyes, puts one hand in his jeans pocket while the other grabs the bridge of his nose. "You two have got to be fucking kidding me. Seriously?!" He's furious. And he doesn't even give us a chance to explain. He just storms out of the apartment. "Ben can we please talk about this inside?" Delilah shouts after him, panic in her voice. I go over to her, kiss her cheek before I get out of the apartment too and after him.

"Would you fucking stop for a minute?" I yell after him and am surprised when he really stops on the stairs and turns around. Is he... is he crying?

"How long has this been going on? Since when do you fuck her?" Am I in the position to tell him that? "It's been six months now. We made it official three months ago." He must be connecting the times and then looks at me again. "So you where together in spain and didn't tell me?" His voice was getting louder. "Wasn't that obvious?" I ask him. "No, it fucking wasn't!"

He avoids my eyes but then looks up at me once before talking. "You know... we both have shared literally everything with each other. And I liked it because you have always been my best friend. But the only thing I asked you to keep your fucking hands off was my little sister. And here we are now. Finding both of you half naked in her apartment, probably packing up her things for her new home when you look at the boxes."
I understand him. I really do. But he is also overreacting a bit. "I can't fight my feelings for her, Ben."

"Oh come on, Mason! You don't even know what feelings towards a woman mean! That's why no relationships of yours have even lasted a year. Because you ended up hurting them!"

"Do you have an idea what I am feeling for this woman?! How she makes me feel?!" The entire building is probably hearing us. But I don't care about that one bit. He's right about the thing with my relationships but no one was ever compared to this one. "No. I don't, Mason. But I know that you are going to hurt her. Just like every woman."

I was about to punch him. But I didn't because of her. Because she was probably listening. So I try to stay calm. "Listen. I don't need to ask you for permission to date your sister. Neither does she. But I am damn sure that she at least wants you to be okay with it so get your sorry ass up there and have a proper conversation with her because you're behaving like a fucking kid right now, Ben."

He doesn't. He turns around and continues walking down the stairs. "I won't talk to anyone of you." Moments later, I hear the main entrance slammshut and as I am already with her and hold her close to my body. "He'll get over it. I promise."

So the drama is beginnig guys... and this isn't even something big compared to what is about to come...

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