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It's been two months

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It's been two months.
The worst two months for all of us.
The worst two months for Mason.
The worst two months for me.
The worst two months for our relationship...

We're all not the same anymore. But Mason. Her death destroyed him. Broke him. He's working more than ever before.

Only comes home to shower, sleep or to fuck. Occasionally telling me he loves me before he leaves but he almost never says more.

It hurts to see him hurting. Blaming himself for something that is not his fault. And what hurts the most;

He's shutting me out.

I tried so hard to not let him go through this alone. But it seems like he wants to. So I let him grieve in his own way.

He knows he can talk to me anytime. That's the most important thing for me right now. For him to know there is someone who really cares about his well-being.

His parents didn't talk really much with any of us. They even went away to spain to Emilia and Pablo. Getting their minds off of everything and grieving together.

That's what I hoped for Mason too. But he doesn't want it this way. And I accept that.

I was just on my way to his office. I just want to see him. And tell him something.

Parking the car in the spot I always used to park it in, I get out of it and walk into the building. It's been such a long time since the last time I was in this building.

Getting up to the floor where his office is and the walking up to the door. Should I knock? No. I'm his fiancée. So I just open the door and instantly regret my decision.

I want the earth to swallow me up right here, right now. I want to be everywhere than here. I would even want to die. I want to cry. Scream. I wanted to do everything but be here.

I see Mason just zipping up his jeans and Amalia sitting on his desk, fixing her crop top. "Oh you've got to be kidding me." They haven't noticed me yet and only gave me attention as soon as I said something.

And as soon as Mason sees me, horror is written all over his face. The tears are already in my face, no holding back possible. "Delilah, I-"

"We'll that's just great." I say after scoffing and leaving the room as soon as possible.

I hear him run after me and grabbing my arm as soon as he is behind me. "Don't you dare touch me! I am disgusted with you." I spit the words at him, get out of his grip and drive home.

Being at home the fastest I can be, I immediately run upstairs into my dressing room. Getting the bag out of it, I throw it on our bed and start packing my shit.

"Delilah?" Please don't. His steps on the stairs are getting louder and louder and suddenly he is in the same room as I am.

I don't bother to look at him. I couldn't even look at him without my vision being nothing but blurry from my thick tears. So I choose to ignore him, just continuing to pack up the things.

"Delilah, please." He begs me to stop. He even unpacks my bag again, telling me he won't let me go.

"You can't leave, Del." He doesn't realize how furious I am. But I can't help myself but explode and scream at him. "How often did that already happen?!"

I wouldn't even be surprised if he would say the whole time since he became distant. "Just this one time. She was suddenly there and I needed someone to talk, I-"

He said what? My mind shut off. And before we could both take another breath, my hand slapped him so hard that his whole face turned to the right. Mason closed his eyes and clenched his jaw, not looking back at me.

"To talk?! You needed someone to talk?! I was there the whole time while you did nothing but push me away! We live under the same roof! I told you so many times that you can talk to me whenever you want to!"

Is there still a possibility that all of this is a dream? That all of this isn't happening right now and that my mind just wants to play an ugly trick on me?

"Please, angel." "We are all grieving! We all lost her! She was important to all of us! But everyone just wanted you to be okay!
I let you use my body for you to feel better with you not giving a single fuck how I feel when you don't even look me in the eyes one time during we have sex and going straight back to the office afterwards. Making me feel like a whore.
It's always about you. All you think about is you and your well-being.
You don't even care about your own child."

Only then he looks at me again. He cries. And he tries to grab me but I avoid that immediately. "You know that's not true, Delilah." He says.

"Oh isn't it? When was the last time you joined me on an ultrasound appointment? When was the last time you asked me how I am and if everything is okay? Because if you would have you would know that I might have a c-section and that I might not be able to deliver her naturally!"

"H-her?" I only realized that I had just revealed the gender. But I can't even care about that right now. "Yeah. Congratulations, you fucker. You were right about her being a girl."

"Please. I know it was a mistake." I stop zipping the bag and then look at him. "You know what I just realized? You did it with the person that almost got us separated once. And now you helped her for good."

I was done here. I just want to be far away from him. "Please don't do this to me, Del. Please!" Mason got on his knees, and begged me to stay.

"You did this yourself! You cheated! You shut me out! You! Don't you dare blame this on me!" Mason was a mess. A wreck even when Ash died.

I am a wreck after today. "Please... please." "I hope you at least wore a condom. Guess we both know that pulling out isn't really your thing."

I leave without another word. "Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!!" Mason screams and shouts to himself, throws things around in the room as I have to contain my sobs before getting out of the door.


I'm really sorry. This is trash writing. Please don't stop reading ore hating the story now🥺🥺

But the new covers are pretty.

Comment your thoughts.

Love you😬😬😬

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