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One week has passed

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One week has passed. She told me she would meet me at this exact time today. I am nervous. Sweating because of my nervousness.

My legs are bouncing up and down. She's five minutes late. What if she decided to not come? What if something happened to her on the way here?

And then, just in this moment when I decided to text her and ask her if she's okay, the door of the coffee shop opens, letting in the cold October air.

Nothing happened to her. She looks absolutely breathtaking.

Wearing a long, beige coat with a white dress underneath that shows her absolutely beautiful belly. Her hair is up in a ponytail, and her make-up is done like every day.

Beautiful. She is so fucking beautiful.

Delilah looks around in the shop until she spots me and makes her way to the table. "Hi." She says as she takes a seat on the opposite seat of mine, giving me free sight at her face. Letting me look in her brown eyes again.

"Hey. You came." She looks down at the table, avoiding eye contact like she did every time she saw me in the last months. "I told you I would." "Yeah. Right. How are you?"

Her lips form a straight line at this question and I immediately regret what I just asked her. "I'm sorry, I-. I think I know the answer to this."

"Why am I here, Mason?" "I need to talk." That's the first time she actually looks me in the eyes, leaning her back against the seat. "Okay. Talk."

"I know this is going to sound so pity full but I just need it to be said. I can't tell you how much I regret what I did and how fucking much I despise myself because of what I did to you.

My brain just turned off as soon as the fucking hospital called me. I got blind. I didn't that I'm not the only fucking person who is shattering because of her death.

As you said. I was selfish once again. I didn't think about anyone but myself. Not about my parents. Your parents. Ben. You. Our baby.

Everything was just 'me, me, me' and I realize this now. Believe when I say that I would do anything for you to forgive me. For you to give us a new try again.

Because you and this baby are the most important persons in my fucking god damn life."

She doesn't say anything at first. But I made her cry again. That's what I do best in the last time.

"I know that you regret it. And I know that I should hate you for what you did. But I can't, because I still love you so fucking much... it's not that I don't want to forgive you, Mason. I do. I really do. But I can't trust you anymore...
I want to forgive my Mason. That Mason who said he would die for me. For us."

I don't think about her reaction. I take her small hands in mine on top of the table, squeezing them so that she looks at me.

Now we're both crying. And god do I want to wipe that liquid that is running out of her brown eyes.
"That Mason is right in front of you, angel."

"But I can't see him anymore.." she says.

"Delilah, please, I-"
"You know? That day. I wanted to tell you that it was going to be a girl and that I had a name for her. I wanted to tell you when you would come home from work but I got impatient. So I went to the office."

And that was my reason. My reason to hate myself even more. "What was the name?" I ask her.

"I remember you telling that when you found out that Ash was going to be a girl, you wanted her name to be Gia. You said that you were so upset when her name was going to be Ashley. And I thought that a part of her name should be one after a person that is really important to both of us. I prefer Gianna more than Gia, so I thought that we could name her Gianna Ashley... Kingston."

She said Kingston. She didn't say Travino. We're both crying. I'm kissing her hands all over again. And she lets me do it. "The name is perfect..."

She nods one last time, fidgets with her fingers in my hands and then gets them out of mine, clasping them over them, holding my fist closed. "I'm sorry.."

She says. She gets up. "Delilah, no. Please no." She didn't stop. She left without another word.

And that's when I open my fists again. No. No, no, no, no, no. Her engagement ring is in my palm. This can't happen.

It can't end. I haven't been up and out of a building as fast as in this moment, running after her. "Delilah, please!"

And she finally stops, even turns around. "You want to throw us away? Just like that?" I ask her.

What makes her walk towards me, pressing her pointer finger into my chest, tears basically jumping out of her eyes.

"You think I wanted this? You think I never tried to forget what you did? No? Because if you do... you're so fucking stupid. I tried to forgive you. Not just for me, but also for our daughter. But it doesn't seem right. So don't you dare tell me I am the one who is throwing all of this away."

That's the last thing she says before walking off again and getting away from me as fast as her pregnant body can manage to. "Delilah!"

"Just stop it, Mason! Please leave me the fuck alone because I-" and then she stops.

"Mason?!" Panick is in her voice. And I see why. She's standing in a puddle. Her water broke.


Ahhhhh tha baby is coming!!!!

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Love you❤️❤️

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