XII. 𝙵𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜?

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"Shall we?"

Ranboo watched as people stared at him. Averting his gaze towards the ground he tried to ignore the looks. Y/n noticed this and began to give everyone a deadly glare. "Hey Ranboo," Ranboo turned his attention towards Y/n, "Tie this around your wrist, so we won't get separated." Y/n smiled and took a rope out, giving one end to Ranboo. "Alright." Ranboo blushed as he tied the rope on his wrist, Y/n doing the same.

"Should we go?" Ranboo said as he stared at the rope. "Yeah, let's go!" Y/n exclaimed as he led the way. Both boys walked through the village, looking at every booth. "Holy crap! Strawberry milk, let's go!" Y/n dragged Ranboo to a booth that sold drinks. "Oh! Okay." Ranboo followed quickly.

"Aren't you two cute. What can I get for you sweetheart?" The woman at the booth asked as she smiled at the duo. "Can we get seven cartons of strawberry milk?" Y/n said, "Seven? Y/n I think that's too many." Ranboo whispered. "Nothing is too much darling, here you go. Have a good day." The woman said as she handed Y/n the milk cartons.

"I quite enjoy my milk Ranboo." Y/n said as he opened one carton. Ranboo sighed, and chuckled. Y/n continued to walk, "People think we're cute together." Y/n smirked and nudged Ranboo. Ranboo blushed, "Do they? I didn't notice." Ranboo chuckled nervously as his face became hotter. Y/n just laughed and held Ranboo's hand.

The boys stopped by a candy booth and bought cotton candy, "Techno doesn't let me have candy ever." Y/n said, Ranboo ripped a piece off and fed it to Y/n, "He isn't around now." Y/n could feel his face heat up. Is it getting hot? Y/n took the candy in his mouth. Sparkles could almost be seen around Y/n, "That is so good!" Y/n began to eat more. Ranboo chuckled as he also ate it.

After finishing the candy the duo walked a bit more, stopping after a while to see a dance. A man wearing a costume danced in the middle of the crowd. Ranboo and Y/n enjoying the music. The man jumped and his costume fell off of him. Only wearing shorts, everyone started to laugh as the man picked up his costume and ran. "That's embarrassing." Ranboo said in between laughs.

Children ran in the middle and began to fool around. One of the children noticed Ranboo and M/n holding hands. "Guys! Look, a couple!" All the kids turned to the duo and began to fake vomit and chant "Ew!" Ranboo and Y/n both blushed. "This is why I kill little kids" Y/n purposely said out loud. The kids panicked and began to run.

Y/n laughed, "You can run, but you can't hide!" He screamed as the children screamed. Ranboo laughed even harder, "let's calm down N/n." Ranboo said in between laughs. Y/n noticed the new nickname, "N/n?" Y/n smirked and looked at Ranboo. Ranboo's face turned a dark red, "I, well, I didn't mean to say that." Ranboo began to ramble, " Your fine Ranboo, I like N/n, it has a nice ring to it." Y/n smiled warmly, Ranboo's smiles, "Let's go." He holds Y/n's hand and starts to walk.


The sun had gone completely down now. The festival had ended before dark, Y/n and Ranboo were now walking towards the river that Tommy and Ranboo had fallen in when they arrived. "How did you even hear about this festival?" Y/n asked, "I heard a few people talking about it in the village, I asked where it was and they told me." Ranboo replied, "And why did you decide to take me on a date?" Y/n glanced at Ranboo. Ranboo stopped on his tracks causing Y/n to stop as well.

"Well, part of the reason was because of the bet." Ranboo said. "So this is what you choose. What is the other reason?" Y/n asked. Ranboo blushed, "Um... I really wanted some alone time with you. Like to hang out, you know." Y/n chuckled, "You could just ask if you want to hang out dude. I always have time for you." Y/n winked at Ranboo.

Y/n began to walk towards the river, stopping near a tree. Ranboo walked over and sat down. Suddenly, Y/n began to take his clothes off, "Y/n! Hey, what are you doing!?" Ranboo quickly turned his head the other direction, face almost as red as nether bricks. "Relax halfie. I'm gonna take a dip in the river. It's pretty warm out. Just keep an eye out, I'll be back." Taking his mask off he was left in shorts. Y/n walked over and felt the warmth of the water.

"This is pretty warm for a river." Y/n said loud enough for Ranboo to hear. "I bet." Ranboo replied back. Ranboo stared at Y/n as he dove into the river. Y/n came back up to the surface, his hair flat on his head and in his face. Ranboo smiled to himself. I wish I could just tell him. Y/n laid back and floated around, enjoying the warm water. Hope you're doing well, Techno. I'll be home soon. After a few minutes, Y/n made his way out.

"How exactly are you going to dry yourself?" Ranboo asked as he stared at Y/n, "I always come prepared." Y/n says proudly as he grabs his cape and pulls out a medium size towel. "I won't even ask where that came from." Ranboo chuckled. Y/n dried his body off and put back his pants and shirt. Drying his hair a bit he sat next to Ranboo. "That was a nice swim." He smiled.

"Looked like it. Want me to comb your hair?" Ranboo asked. Y/n nodded and laid his head on Ranboo's lap. Ranboo grabbed the towel and dried his hair off once more. Running his fingers through Y/ns hair, gently getting rid of knots on his hair. Y/n stared at Ranboo's face as he fixed his hair. "You're really handsome, you know." Y/n blurted out. Ranboo looked at Y/n, a blush creeping into his cheeks, "Thanks. You are too." Y/n smiled.

"We should go out again." Y/n says. "Second date?" Ranboo raised an eyebrow. Y/n hummed in agreement, "I've never done dates before. And this was really fun." Ranboo smiled, "Yeah, it was really fun." Tell him Ranboo. Ranboo began to play with Y/ns hair. Is this a crush?  "Y/n..." Ranboo began, Y/n looked at Ranboo, faint pink in his cheeks.

Ranboo began to lean his head down. Y/ns face began to turn a bloody red, he could hear his heart pounding in his chest, is he going to kiss me? "I... I really like you..." Ranboo finally said, Y/ns eyes widened, his heart was pounding fast. Ranboo closed his eyes as the gap between their lips was almost closing in, Y/n doing the same.

 Ranboo closed his eyes as the gap between their lips was almost closing in, Y/n doing the same

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"Oi! Assholes!"

Bangkyee - Part 12 Complete! Ranboo moments?? Can you tell I suck at romance?? Also Hotarubi No Mori E refremce? Kiss?!? Who interrupted?? Ranboo confessed his feelings? What will Y/n say?! What will happen next? Find out next time on 'What In The Dream?' I hope you enjoyed :) Have an amazing day/night Dudos, Dudas, and Dus!!

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