Different Type of Love (Side)

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Bangkyee - Yo! So this is a very late part, sorry about that. This is part of the main story, but it isn't a big part, just a side story. Thank you to Boxed_Cat and QueenxOfxRats for the story idea, if you two read this I love and appreciate you two :) On to the story!

It had hit midnight. Everyone in the butterfly estate slept silently and comfortably. Everyone but one person.

He let out a deep sigh. Laying on top of him was a sleeping Tubbo. His brown locks tickled Y/ns neck. Please don't wake up. Please don't wake up. Y/n moved the sleeping boy off him and into his own sleeping space. Careful not to awake him.

Tubbo tossed, making Y/n panic and freeze. Noses almost touching, Tubbo remained asleep. Y/n let out a sigh of relief. Now the easy part. He stretched and made his way out the room.

He'd be lying if he thought this part was easy. Almost every step he took the floor screamed loudly. You're freaking kidding me. He internally screamed. "Step. Step. Stop." He mumbled as he kept a pattern so as to not make any noise.

Arriving at the stairs he walked down quickly. What he didn't know was that three girls watched his every move. They made no noise, every step they took was silent. "Why is he walking so slow?" Kiyo whispered to the other two. Both Naho and Sumi shrugged.

"Let's follow him." Sumi said as she quickly and quietly followed after Y/n. Kiyo and Naho trailing off a bit hesitant.

Y/n had finally made it to the kitchen. "Ah, that was way harder than I thought." He let out a big breath. "That's because you tiptoed." A sudden voice caused Y/n to let out a high pitched scream. Quickly covering his mouth he turned to the three girls who stood before him.

Keeping quiet he listened for any sign of life through the household. A minute passes and nothing is heard. "No one will hear you from here." Sumi said in a normal tone of voice. "How?" Y/n glanced at her. "The kitchen is a different building from our sleeping areas." Naho replied.

Y/n let out an 'ah' and turned to the kitchen. "Please, girls, don't sneak up on me like that. I could have had a heart attack." Y/n looked at the girls who had worried expressions. "We're sorry, we didn't mean to." The three girls agreed, bowing. "It's fine. Why are you three up anyway? It's midnight." Y/n walked to the sink to wash his hands.

"Well we heard you sneaking around so Sumi decided we should follow you." Kiyo said. Sumi frowned, "I just wanted to know why you were up late." Sumi walked over to Y/n.

"Oh, well, uhm. Okay, come here you three." He knelt down to their height. "I felt like making a few goodies for the girls and guys, just because, you know?" The three girls nodded, "Why don't you three help me? Once we're finished we could go and take a trip to the village?" He smiled at them.

Kiyo, Naho, and Sumi exchanged glances. Sumi raised her hand, "Yes?" Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Can you tell us stories about you while we help?" She said excitedly.

Y/n blinked, seeing the other two agree. "I don't see why not." He shrugged, "Yay!" The girls danced around him. Y/n giggled, "Alright, let's get to work."


As they worked on heart shaped cookies Y/n told the many memories he had of the smp, occasionally answering a question or two.

"What is your brother like? What's his name?" Naho asked. They were currently heating the first batch of cookies. "His name is Technoblade. He's my older brother, at first he seems like a big, scary man, but if you really get to know him you'll see how nice he is." Y/n smiled to himself.

"I really miss him." The three girls stared at him. "You know, I've never had little sisters, in fact I rarely interacted with women back home." He looked at the three girls. "We can be your sisters! Even if we aren't related." Kiyo smiled brightly. "Yeah! I've never had a big brother before. Big brother Y/n!" Sumi hugged Y/n's leg.

This took Y/n aback. "Big brother Y/n! Big brother Y/n!" The three girls chanted hugging Y/ns legs. Y/ns lip quivered, "Awh, you guys fill my heart. C'mere!" Y/n bent down and hugged the girls together. They all began to laugh.

"I'm glad to have you three in my life." Y/n hugged them tightly. "Us too!" Sumi said.

"Alright, let's get these cookies done so we can ditch this place and go to the village." Y/n stood up with the girls.

Finishing up their baking, they cleaned everything and finished at sunrise. Leaving a small note Y/n snuck back to his room and got ready. Blade in hand he left the two sleeping boys. Ranboo, unnoticed, watched Y/n leave, quietly getting up, he made his way to the balcony and saw he was with the children.

"Off we go! Sibling squad here we go!" Y/n marched playfully with the girls by his side laughing. It was like seeing a happy little family.

Ranboo smiled, he must really miss Techno. He thought as he watched Y/n smile brightly, maybe this will bring out another side of Y/n. Ranboo went back inside. Laying back down and drifting off. A different type of Love will open a different path... That's what Phil always told me... Y/n thought as he watched the girls chase each other around.

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