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The last few years that I was in school I tried to avoid everyone. I tried to blend into my surroundings as much as possible and I didn't mind it that way. It hadn't always been that way; at one point in time I enjoyed being at school and being around other people. Then it all changed and I avoided everything and everyone as much as possible. I kept my close group of friends; honestly I think that they were the only ones that kept me from falling over the edge. You know that edge between sane and insane; I tittered on that edge quite frequently . The town that I lived in sucked and it was due to all of those who thought they were entitled to respect when they didn't know how to give it. I lived there for six years and that was enough for me to know that I wanted the hell out of there. So that's what I did at my earliest convenience. The day I turned 18 I was gone by first light, with no idea where I was headed and no real plan of what I was going to do once I got there. No matter where I ended up I was constantly being haunted in my dreams by my mistakes that I was trying to get away from. Well that is what I was telling myself that I was doing; leaving my mistakes behind. Now we all make mistakes when we are younger but the night that I took Derrick McKinna's bet was the night that I messed up and would learn that I wouldn't be able to outrun it no matter how hard I tried.


"You know that you want me. All you have to do is beg me for it and I'll ease the pain between your legs. I promise." He whispers into my ear as he steps up behind me. I lean into him, soaking up his body heat trying to chase away the chill that has my nipples so painfully hard or maybe it was just because of the things that Derrick was saying and doing to me. "Come on Beta all you have to do is beg me for what you want, what you need and what you have been craving." His left arms wraps around my chest to hold me tight against him as his right hand slips between my legs.

I bolted up right in my bed drenched in sweat and I could still feel his hand between my legs. Once I get my breathing under control I swing my legs over the side of the bed and look at the alarm clock on my nightstand. The big red numbers tell me that it was only 6am. " Well at least I got 30 more minutes than the night before." Getting up I walked over to the dresser and randomly grabbed for a t-shirt and shorts and headed the shower. I want to scrub the dream and the memory of his touch from my skin. By the time I am finished in the shower my skin is red and raw. The smell of food cooking draws my attention to the kitchen. "I take it that Derrick visited you again last night." Tessa says while flipping the bacon that she is cooking. I sigh as I fill my coffee cup and raise my hand to silence her for a moment as I take a drink from the hot coffee. "Mmmm that's some good stuff." I motion for her to continue as I take my seat at the table. " As I was saying; I wish you would go see someone about those dreams. From my end they sound so violent." She says as she turns back to the stove. I've told her about what happened all those years ago and how it set me on the road that I am on now. I smiled when she stood up that night and said that we should hunt Derrick down and kick his ass. It was the first time that she came to stay the night at my house when we were teenagers. Back then I wasn't so loud in my sleep but I still managed to wake her up. I must have zone out deep in my thoughts because Tessa is now snapping her fingers in front of my face. " Hey where did you go in that head of yours." She says as she sits a plate in front of me on the table. " I was actually thinking about the night I explained Derrick to you." I say quietly as I poke at the eggs on my plate. She smiles and lets out a small laugh. " Well you really had no choice; you woke me up and I was kind of scared honestly. I wasn't sure if someone else was in the room or not and when I got you to wake up." She pauses taking a drink of her orange juice. " It was the look in your eyes that told me that there was something haunting you and you needed to talk about it, but I really do think that it is time that you see someone about what happened." She licks her lips nervously before speaking again, only this time she speaks in a whispered tone as if she didn't want anyone over hearing. Which is funny because we are the only ones here in the house. " and what happen after Derrick." My eyes pop open and my fork paused half way to my mouth. I knew what she was saying was true. I probably did need to see someone but I just kept saying that if I could find something to fill my time and keep my mind busy that I will be ok and that is what I say with a smile on my face. " I'm good Tess I just need to find me a good job or a hobby to keep my mind busy, then I'll be to tired to dream." I smile and take a bite of my bacon. We eat in silence then she gets up to take her plate to the sink and rinses it before she places it into the dishwasher. " I'm going to take a small nap before I have go to the shop for my shift." I tell her that I am sorry for waking her up and turn and head back to my room. There is no way that I am going to be able to go back to sleep so I throw on my running shoes and head out the front door.

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